3D Realms Looks to Crowdfund Its Next Game
Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 25 2012 19:30 GMT in Duke Nukem Forever
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Here's what Earth No more looked like when the project was first discussed a few years back.

3D Realms is apparently mounting a comeback. Crowdfunding service Gambitious is advertising an awfully interesting upcoming project preparing to launch: a new 3D Realms game.

Yes, the same 3D Realms that worked on Duke Nukem Forever for more than a decade, and failed to produce that game before someone else came in and saved it. Maybe things have changed?

In any case, 3D Realms will reportedly look for capital from Internet citizens to revive Earth No More. Earth No More was once a project that was intended to be developed by Recoil Games in partnership with Radar Group, which was co-founded by 3D Realms co-founder Scott Miller. That dissolved a few years back, but apparently Miller hasn’t completely forgotten about Earth No More.

The big difference between Kickstarter and Gambitious is the ability to get actual equity of a project.

Here’s the project description, by the way:

“Mankind’s relentless destruction of Earth awakens a biological response from deep within the planet’s crust that threatens an environmental apocalypse.”

Eurogamer got in touch with Gambitious, who provided a few more details about the project. It’s set to be developed by 3D Realms in collaboration with an unknown other developer. This makes it likely 3D Realms is only overseeing it, a role the company has held in the past with games like Prey, which was largely created by Human Head.

It’s unclear when 3D Realms will formally launch its pitch for Earth No More.

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