Ubisoft discusses moving past the industry's childish attitudes
Posted by GoNintendo Apr 03 2013 17:45 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of an IndustryGamers interview with Ubisoft's Jade Raymond...

Q: You've recently made calls, along with others, for the industry to mature - assigning some of your own changes in attitudes to growing older and starting a family. With both the members of the industry and its customers both growing older too, why do think so many childish attitudes persist?

Jade Raymond: It's a good question. I think to some extent, and I talked about this to some extent last year, that we're underestimating our audience. I think that as game creators are ageing and having kids, there's this feeling that okay, maybe the themes that are predominant in games no longer resonate with us, but we're no longer the target market. What the kids want to see are vapid, action-packed kind of games, so that's what we're going to give them.

I think in some games there's a kind of machismo that's embedded in the franchise or the tone of the game and there's an assumption that that's what kids want to see. I think that we're really wrong in that - I think we're really missing the mark. Talking to younger people, there is a difference in attitude: they care more about what's going on in the world and doing the right thing. I think that's why you see more corporations trying to be more involved, having corporate responsibility for their environmental footprint or their community.

The younger generation care about what corporations are doing generally, they're getting more actively involved in policy and politics. They also, I think, are looking for more meaning in their games and entertainment. I think that we need to challenge our assumptions about the new generations and what they're looking for.

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