You Won't Believe This Is An Indie Combat Game
Posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2013 05:00 GMT in Gaming News
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You'd be forgiven for looking at this stuff and thinking it was for a major project, something like Halo 5, or Destiny, or Titanfall. Nope. It's for a game being made by four people. That game is Strike Vector, and holy shit, how have I never seen this before? It's a multiplayer air combat game, only your fighters can transform, ala Macross, and it looks amazing, and man, how have I not seen this before? Anyway, the art you're going to see today is by Paul Chadeisson, a name that may be familiar to Fine Art readers since he's a regular here, having worked on games like Remember Me. One look at the video above, and then the art below, shows that things have been transferred almost 1:1. You can see more of Strike Vector at the game's site. Likewise, you can see more of Paul's stuff on his personal site (thanks CAW!) To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the bottom-right corner. Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you're in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you'd like to share, drop us a line!

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