Twinkle, Twinkle: Starbound’s Future Is Looking Bright
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 19 2013 16:00 GMT in Starbound
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Starbound is finally playable by the unwashed masses, and it’s already so magnificent that even the washed masses became unwashed masses after sitting transfixed by its exploratory glow for days. But this is just a beta test, and even then it’s only on phase one of three. There’s much more to come. Space combat! Planet-sized dungeons! A not-quite-so-mean difficulty curve! Why, someday I imagine we’ll even be able to build Starbound inside Starbound. Actually, who’s to say we haven’t done it already, that everything you see in front of you is nothing but a hyper-elaborate Starbound simulation? You’ll never escape from voxel games. You are a voxel game.


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