Hack ‘N’ Crash: Watch_Dogs’ Exceedingly Hackable Chicago
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 28 2014 11:00 GMT in Ubisoft
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I’ve been to Chicago before. It was for Lollapalooza a few years ago, so I remember heat, sweat, and gibbering herds of sticky humans jammed together like uncooked hotdogs – and pretty much nothing else. I guess, then, I’ll just have to take Ubisoft’s word for it when it comes to Watch_Dogs‘ rendition of Chicago, which is apparently about as true to life as you can get while presupposing that a) it is the near future and b) the entire city can be controlled by a single magic cell phone. Apparently all the citizen AI and whatnot is quite sophisticated, though. Hack into the jungle of 1s and 0s below to for a video.

… [visit site to read more]

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