Has anyone taken Organic or Biological Chemistry? And if so do you have a textbook you'd recommend?
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 02 2014 01:39 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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or any other kind of chemistry too i guess, but most specifically those two.


I've done all of the above, but at my uni they covered all the content in lectures. The textbooks were purely supplementary and cost hundreds of dollars so I didn't bother. But I'm in a different country so idk how it'll work for you, godspeed

Reply by Doopliss Apr 02 2014 15:06 GMT

uhh well I took the required chem class so that might count. The community college recommended some mcgraw hills shit but I just used my moms old book from when she was a chem major in college. This might help though: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/8351270/Organic_Chemistry_8th_Edition_(Wade)_Textbook___Solutions_Manual

Reply by Super-Claus Apr 02 2014 19:36 GMT
Congratulations Flav you win the award for lamest topic ever posted on digi.
Reply by Popple Apr 07 2014 11:53 GMT

Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 08 2014 01:27 GMT
There is something absolutely amazing about falling down, ramming your anal sphincter into a hard mass of this earth. The resultant bruise and pain is worse than forced anal. One has to rise to the occasion an try to maintain composure? Mainly as it hurts so bad to sit on your ass? It is like being kicked in the butthole with a boot.. if that boot had a chopstick on the end. Targeted precise pain direct to the location of truth and understanding.
When you find that you have done this level of damage you instantly fear pooping. It becomes a excruciating act lest not forget farting too hard will blow blood mist if you break the protective barrier your body seals for repairs. Take comfort in knowing the water is bright red knowing it is less likely to die by rectum. Wiping turns to a act of brutality to be confined to the most heinous torture methods of unnamed government rendering. Throb Throb Throb it says.. Painfully not letting you sleep, not letting you shit, not letting you die.. As April 15 approaches you must pay taxes... It is truly true that taxes take the highest form of compassion in this situation.
This is not your normal gym roid rage, wish me luck! I promise this is 100% serious and lame as can be... I likely should not have rode my bicycle 160 miles while trying to heal. Houston please advise before my oring blows out and kills this mission.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 08 2014 02:20 GMT
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