Bob Dylan DLC pack for Rocksmith 2014 will give you the blues (and the other colors the game uses, too)
Posted by Joystiq Apr 13 2014 02:00 GMT in Ubisoft
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Oh the times, they are a-changin'. Or rather, the times, they are a-stayin' the same, because once again, Rocksmith 2014 has new DLC for all aspiring guitarists on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. This time, it's rockabilly legend Bob Dylan's songs up for grabs. You can get "Like A Rolling Stone," "Just Like A Woman" and "Subterranean Homesick Blues" for $2.99 each or $7.99 for the three-song pack on Xbox Live, PSN or Steam.

As hard as some of Dylan's songs might be for your fingers, they'd be a whole lot harder if Rocksmith 2014 also required you to sing along in Dylan's voice. [Image: Ubisoft]

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