Grave's dynamic horror landscape shifting on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One
Posted by Joystiq Apr 13 2014 21:00 GMT in Xbox One
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Horror games tend to create chilling atmospheres, but the unsettling moments within them are often pre-meditated or scripted. The spooks in Broken Window Studios' Grave may be a bit more freeform than that - the Oculus Rift-compatible trek through an open-world desert environment on PC, Mac, Linux and Xbox One isn't entirely predictable. The layout of Grave's environment shifts with each passing night, making navigation less about checking off rooms on a map and more about exploring and staying prepared for the world's threats.

Of course, the night's blanketing darkness hides Grave's danger, a threat that players can fend off with sources of light. Each progressively-generated sunset brings out a variety of enemies, which players can either stand bravely against during evening strolls, or use light-based weaponry to fend off while stowing away in shelters. Supplies are limited though, so shying from valuable exploration time will eventually backfire.

Broken Window is currently seeking funding to make Grave possible, with $8,751 out of the requested $30,000 gathered at the time of this writing. Should the project clear its goal, the creatures in Grave's everchanging world will start stalking players in early 2015, with backers that chip in $60 or more getting access to a beta before then. If you're willing to wait until Grave is finished, contributing $15 gets you the story version, with $20 earning an endless "Survive The Night" mode. If you're still uncertain, an early PC demo of Grave is available on the project's Kickstarter page. [Image: Broken Window Studios]

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