Capcom Q3 2009 financials reveal monster sales of Monster Hunter Tri
Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2010 17:57 GMT in Monster Hunter Tri
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If you're anything like us, you immediately tore into the recently released Capcom Q3 2009 financial report looking for the number of Mario Party Fushigi no Korokoro Catcher arcade machines the company sold in the last nine months of 2009 (80, in case you were wondering) only to find a wealth of information about the publisher's other games. For instance, worldwide sales (sell-in, not sell-through, mind you) of Bionic Commando crept over 700k, while Monster Hunter Tri moved 1.15 million in Japan alone -- we worry deeply for the monsters of Japan, being hunted relentlessly by all of those people. At this point in the post, we'd like to point out that these numbers are for the nine months ending December 31, 2009, and thusly don't reflect January's sales. Also, things are about to get really boring. The Japanese publisher is reporting a 5.9 percent increase in net sales for the nine month period, and boasts an 84.3 percent increase in "operating income compared to the same term in [Fiscal Year 2008]," which is to say sales increased by ¥49,987 million from the same time period last year (netting ¥1,731 million). Whew - glad we got through that! Capcom itself doesn't ruminate on the numbers too much either, saying "only a few flagship software titles were released from our home video game division, while both arcade operations and content expansion were weakening." Unfortunately for us, there's still no word on the US arrival of Mario Party Fushigi No Korokoro Catcher. Source -- Capcom 3rd Quarter Financial Results (warning: PDF) Source -- Capcom 3rd Quarter Financial Results press release

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