Atomic Games breaks out Breach details
Posted by Joystiq Mar 26 2010 05:01 GMT in Six Days in Fallujah
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Atomic Games' Breach is a first-person, multiplayer shooter set to infiltrate Xbox Live Arcade this summer. The game mixes a cover system with destructible environments, and allows players to see their handiwork (or, umm, terrible aim) on walls, floors, ceilings and even single bricks.

Featuring four classes (five after mastering two classes), an experience points system to purchase gadgets, four maps, four game types, 23 weapons and more, Breach seems like it's going for the type of hefty multiplayer experience one would expect from a full-priced retail title -- though we hope it'll have a less traumatic trip to release than the same developer's Six Days in Fallujah did. We'll have a hands-on later today at PAX East.

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