Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled Message Board

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REVIEW: A seriously underrated game (Black Sigil Review)
posted by Ignorant May 05 2013 06:00 GMT
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So back in 2009, I hadn't played too many RPGs. In fact, they basically died to me. Then I got this one game.

Have you guys ever heard of Black Sigil? It's a NDS game that's supposed to be like a SNES RPG, and they did really well with it! It does have it's obvious flaws, but it doesn't deserve some of the shit it gets. The soundtrack is really well done and the characters are fairly well developed.

It's very buggy with emulators and so far has only worked with DeSmuME. The only thing I dislike about this game is it's INSANE encounter rate. Sometimes you can't take 2 steps without getting *crag*ed up your ass. Oh, and good luck doing everything you'll want to do in this game without a walkthrough.

From me, Black Sigil get's a 7.5/10.

If you want to just play the ROM instead of buying it like I did:

This review of itself is just so combo breaker to the former recusing reviews that it just gets a 1337/10.
Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled - review posted by GoNintendo Aug 11 2009 22:53 GMT
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A portion of an N-Philes review… Black Sigil is a good game, despite it’s one large flaw and handful of smaller ones (most of which aren’t even worth mentioning). Still, it takes a special kind of person to want to play this game.