The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Message Board

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3DS Virtual Console: A Blast from the Past posted by IGN Nov 10 2011 01:42 GMT
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I was three years old when the Game Boy came out. Back then many parents were still terrified by the idea of a portable game system. I was "too young" my mother insisted. She wagered it was bad for my "social development," and so no matter how much I pleaded, she wouldn't allow me to have one. S...
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Review posted by IGN Jun 14 2011 23:43 GMT
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A challenge rang out in Nintendo's offices sometime around 20 years ago. The Zelda series' third installment, A Link to the Past, had been an incredible hit for the SNES -- but could that same 16-bit success be replicated on the much less powerful, monochromatic Game Boy? The designers of the day took to the task and triumphed, crafting the fourth Legend of Zelda adventure and the first ever made for a portable system, Link's Awakening...