My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Party Message Board

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someone get a sex change so digibutter isn't a sausage fest
posted by Fortran Oct 21 2013 06:59 GMT
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i aint doin it


The deed is done

brony thread ^_^
posted by Fortran Jun 25 2012 07:43 GMT
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shit man i came like 3 times
REVIEW: Pinkie Pie's has a party and I can cry if I want to
posted by Maiq the Liar Jul 07 2011 13:57 GMT
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Maiq is back with another review for another game, this time I am reviewing My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Party for the Nintendo Ds.
First off, let me tell you that this game is actually based off of the cool My Little Pony and not any of the stupid ones. The quality of the amazing cartoon show really shjows through and its easy to tell that alot of work went into making this title.
It is Pinkie Pie's birthday and everypony is excited in Ponyville but Sweetie Belle mistook Pinkie's presents for dumb fabric and hid them all over Ponyville. Because of this turn of events, Princess celestia was forced to raise the Pinkamena Threat Level to orange because her sanity is dropping and you don't want Pinkie Pie to go insane. Celestia also punishes Sweetie Belle for her error by forcing her to read Cupcakes in a dark room.
In the game you play as Pinkie Pie's alter ego Pinkie Pie, and you have to go hunt for the presents before the manehatten project comes to fruition with you giving all the ponies the gift of a bloodbath. Along for the ride are two of the best ponies ever, Cherilee and Scottaloo. they're help is necessary if Pinkie is to retrieve her gifts and pastries(which she needs to eat to keep sane) because they bring some awesome powers to the table.
For example, about midway through the game you have to open a fried chicken stand to be able to afford a ladder to reach the plasma screen TV that Rarity bought her, and you need Gilda for something(if you know what I mean) and when she resists Scootaloo is the only one that can reach her to unleash deliriously awesome chain combo attacks that can link up with Pinkie's sugar high and Cherilee just stands there pretty much(she gives words of encouragement I guess?). the battle ends when Pinkie uses a pile of rocks to build wings and she shoryuken's Gilda in the crotch because she's a bitch.
Through the entirity of the game you gotta keep a watch on Pinkie's sanity meter because she doesn't like not having presents and you get a game over screen if it runs out. You can refill the meter by eating buttloads of cupcakes and other various sugary confections.
When you get far enough you get the option to trade your party members for other characters, such as replacing Scootaloo with Diamond Tiara(don't do it, she's a bitch and you end up strangling her anyway) or replacing Cherilee with Granny Smith who has a shotfun which is like a shotgun but it dispenses hapiness(do it because cherrylee doesn't do anything anyway).
Diabetes mellitus, often simply referred to as diabetes—is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger).
Eventually you have to fight the Great and Powerful Trixie because she thinks the Great and Powerful Presents are all for her because of how Great and Powerful she is. Pinkie pie respectfully disagrees by telling her she'll shit down her neck. The game gets really weird at this point because Pinkie Pie looked at hte screen and said "M'aiq help us" and then I was in Ponyville and I had to fight Trixie but for realsies this time.
Being a humble Khajiit who didn't know shit about magic  I began wailing my arms around and I think I activated a cheat code or something because Princess Luna joined the party(the buttom combination was: up, right, middle, right, green, artichoke, yodel). She told trixie that this is stupid andthe presents are for Pinkie Pie but Trixie was pmsing and kept being a bitch about it, so I hopped on Luna and we charged at Trixie(it was *crag*ing epic) and then trixie exploded but the blast was too strong and I would have died but Luna shielded me from the blast becuase she had the power of unicron.
After that I got a lot of cupcakes and things and they sent me home but noone believed me when I told them what happened. Because of that the game lost a few points but overall it was a very enjoyable experience. 5 out of 6.

(oh, and Pinkie managed to shit down trickses neck even though she blow up)

also rainbow dash is in this game and all her sides are good sides

Maiq the Liar

Pretty much, yeah.