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Viddd older than one year ago

to post
posted by Viddd Feb 20 2011 23:33 GMT
posted by Viddd Feb 20 2011 23:33 GMT in Combo
copy javascript add the java to bookmarks go to a (usually popular) website click on bookmark art
pastebin.com posted by Viddd Feb 19 2011 02:35 GMT
tf2 beta detonator flarejumping
pyro just became fun to play as (ps the guy kinda sucks at flarejumpin', i've seen a lot higher jumps)
posted by Viddd Feb 15 2011 23:32 GMT in Team Fortress 2
I knew there was a reason I played as the Pyro.
Unable to give cookies anymore.
I haven't recieved any since the cookie system was introduced.
posted by Viddd Feb 04 2011 04:26 GMT
4 5 Like?
Maiq the Liar

this thread gave me aids

new sb&hj
best one in a while
posted by Viddd Jan 30 2011 09:08 GMT in Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
2 Like?
Fallen Shade
I should start using Choice Ass in my vocabulary from now on.
[s] update
vriska is still a bitch
posted by Viddd Jan 16 2011 00:56 GMT in Homestuck
RIP woobie
hapy brtdie franis
itt i suck at mouse drawings
posted by Viddd Jan 15 2011 18:48 GMT
1 Like?
no god damn it it's and mouse
posting for the future
digibutter.nerr.biz posted by Viddd Jan 07 2011 13:37 GMT
Gold Prognosticus

What is this and why is it on the site? Is it Francis' game thing I heard him mention on the cbox the other day?

Edit: Just saw Francis' explanation in the cbox. Disregard my questions.

real john is dead forever
now there is only windy john
posted by Viddd Dec 18 2010 17:20 GMT in MS Paint Adventures

all those spoilers tricked me
fun times man everybody was talking about "MAN THAT INCINERATOR SCENE WAS SO SAD" and "I CRIED AT THE ENDING" and it was like everybody was talking about how all the toys died and i was like "damn, how could the series do this" and then i saw the mo...
posted by Viddd Jan 02 2011 05:48 GMT
Penumbra the movie?
go to tf2
go medic, get your amputator out taunt near a teammate, disconnect in the middle of the tauntr your teammate now has forever-regenerating health repeat for unkillable teammate, regen stacks infinitely so you can be healing hundreds of HP per secon...
posted by Viddd Jan 01 2011 22:22 GMT
get one, then
holy shit
the latest update it is GAMZEE IS LORD ENGLISH
posted by Viddd Jan 01 2011 05:03 GMT in MS Paint Adventures
Fallen Shade
*crag* yeah Gamzee
merry christmas
and to all a good
posted by Viddd Dec 28 2010 15:39 GMT

this is the rejected caution opening message for wii's super meat boy
i'm disappointed this didn't get in ):
posted by Viddd Dec 20 2010 23:25 GMT
team meat is having trouble fitting the game onto the wii due to the stupid size restrictions for wiiware, they're considering a disc release
im a character
what r u doin
posted by Viddd Dec 15 2010 22:49 GMT in RPOT
Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language

Ph1r3 Mario stepped into the topic with a disgusted look on his face. "Hey, guys," he said, " What's with all the faggotry?" He stepped further into the horrid abomination, still with the same look of disgust. He looked at each and everyone's faces and stopped at Flar3's.


And a middle finger followed that statement.

((gys its mi frist tyime plez don FLAYUM me)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

man listen, stairs. i am TELLING you
[1] - COMIC #1: man listen, stairs. i am TELLING you i cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these games *CRAG* IM FALLING DOWN ALL THESE STAIRS................... I WARNED YOU ABOUT STAIRS BRO!!!! I TOLD YOU DOG! IT KEEPS HA...
posted by Viddd Dec 15 2010 03:52 GMT in Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
Fallen Shade

if you feel like going back to transformice for a bit, now is the time
get gifts, wait until the santa map, click yourself, you have a pretty big chance to get any random item in the game you don't have more gifts = less chance to get cheese
en.transformice.com posted by Viddd Dec 11 2010 23:03 GMT
i usually stay on about a 30 mice server, although i've seen some of 50 and upwards
mark twain
posted by Viddd Dec 04 2010 01:55 GMT
buy a hat for 17.00
or buy a hat for 1.99 your choice
store.valvesoftware.com posted by Viddd Nov 29 2010 05:00 GMT in Team Fortress 2
hat fortress 2 is poopy
parksville, canada
chico, united states mountain view, united states plant city, united states clarksville, united states lawrenceville, united states albuquerque, united states westerville, united states glenburne, united states knoxville, united states ...
posted by Viddd Nov 28 2010 16:40 GMT
i never said the bullshit was easy or hard
easy mode: http://whos.amung.us/stats/maps/r4im6wnhfe...
This is how you be credit to team.
posted by Viddd Nov 24 2010 00:43 GMT





poker night should be out right now
but it isn't ):<
posted by Viddd Nov 22 2010 08:24 GMT
I *crag*ing love this game.
The Heavy is a *crag*ing pimp apparently, but I taught him who wears the *crag*ing pants in this relationship.
posted by Viddd Nov 21 2010 18:30 GMT in Minecraft




posted by Viddd Nov 20 2010 19:00 GMT
And then you get a good PSP?
extreme knowledge
posted by Viddd Nov 15 2010 04:30 GMT
What is this from, Soney Employment Exam?
read this
then   then reread the second panel
posted by Viddd Nov 14 2010 18:02 GMT
Noted first read. Double split caridges have annoyed me so I trained myself to detect.
