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Super-Claus older than one year ago

to post
Mmmmmmm Lunch a 5:30 PM
posted by Super-Claus Aug 15 2011 23:31 GMT
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ohhh those cheese quesadillas with sour cream damn i'm hungry
found nas
posted by Super-Claus Aug 26 2011 01:27 GMT
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weedlord bonerhitler
looks like nas to me!
Digibutter Spookfest 2013
posted by Super-Claus Oct 02 2013 02:25 GMT
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Its about to be Halloween, and you know what that means! Or maybe you don't! Regaurdless, I am gonna try to live stream movies and junk on Halloween or some date around Halloween this october. So, to get down to brass tacks yall should just toss any movies you'd like to see down in the comments. Hopefully we can have a well made list by like the middle of the month.

Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
igg's videos
Happy 124th, Nintendo
posted by Super-Claus Sep 23 2013 19:49 GMT in Digibutter: The Game 2012
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that's a really big cake
Wii fit u nintendo direct was hilarious, go watch it
posted by Super-Claus Sep 18 2013 12:28 GMT in Wii Fit U
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god knows half the people here would benefit from this
Diablo II: LoD Match On Friday The 13th
posted by Super-Claus Sep 07 2013 20:08 GMT
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It's time to get spooky scary up in here peoples. On Friday the 13th, aka next friday, we'll be hosting a Diablo 2 game. Times have yet to be confirmed, but will likely be anywhere from 1-4 PM or some time after midnight, Eastern time. We'll be using the hamachi server:

ID: Dinnerbutter

Password: digi

Sign up here in this topic and get ready to go straight to hell.

let hell break loose
Rayman legends is good gam
posted by Super-Claus Sep 04 2013 00:38 GMT in Rayman Legends
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Go buy it now. If you have a Wii U its a must own for the console. I cannot stop playing, I am writing this while on the toilet because thats the only time I'm away from that *crag*ing game.

I'm not so sure how good the ports to other systems are, I'm sure they're fine but keep in mind this is a game that was built from the ground up for wii U and after it was finished they decided to port it, so take that into account.

There is a boatload of content in this game, I mean I beat level one and unlocked like a million *crag*ing things I mean jesus what the *crag* is even going on here why am I unlocking rayman origins in this shit what the *crag* are these cratures is this what nintendogs looks like in france jesus.

posted by Super-Claus Aug 14 2013 02:19 GMT
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something that isn't breaking bad
posted by Super-Claus Aug 12 2013 03:34 GMT
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Raking in the money huh Francis...
posted by Super-Claus Jun 02 2012 22:29 GMT
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"False advertising. D:"
oh dear
Review of "Europa Report"
posted by Super-Claus Jul 21 2013 22:58 GMT
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Alright first of all I never figured out how to do that review topic stuff so bite me it's a power star or whatever the best thing is.

On to the review:

So in short Europa Report is a movie about a privatley funded space expedition in the near future to go to a moon of Jupiter called Europa to search for life. The reasoning behind this is that Europa is covered mostly in ice but has shown signs in the recent past of having high levels of geothermal activity below the ice, creating pocket oceans. The enviorment in these pocket oceans would be identical to the deep sea trenches of earth, which we already know are full of life without a need for the sun since earths own geothermal activity keeps them warm. So in the movie everything used by the astronauts and all the information that created this movie is based on real factual science. If we ever did go to Europa, this movie provides an accurate representation of what the mission would be like.

When examining the directing style you will notice the entire movie is shot like a documentary while keeping a sci-fi action movie format. The story is told through flashbacks to camera footage on the ship, in the astronauts suits, and on the devices used by the astronauts. The narration of the story or explaination of events in the story is told through flash forwards to mission control interviews. The entire movie feels very real and nothing is beyond belief. If I had not gone into this knowing it was a made up story, I would have sworn this was an actual documentary.

The special effects are very well done. The set pieces are compact and yet beilevable, and the only slight touches of cgi as far as the enviorment goes contributes to the feel of the entire movie. At no time, other than once towards the end, did I find myself taken out of the experience. This was mainly because I was focusing more on the astronauts and their story rather than the story of the enviorment, so when the focus suddenly shifted I was shocked just enough to be taken out of the experience.

The Soundtrack is glorious. It is done by Bear McCreary, the mind behind the soundtrack for Battlestar Galactica.The sound design throughout the whole movie fit well and never did anything sound out of place. The resonating baseline set the mood well and fufilled the experience.

Over all I really enjoyed this movie. It reminds me of 2010:The Year We Make contact, and is one of the better space movies made in the last few years. It is definitley worth a watch and won't disappoint as long as you are into the whole space exploration genre.

2010 is great. It doesn't have the same overall feel as 2001, since 2010 is more a concentrated event rather then philosophical quest. I think my favorite is 3001 though, just because its the only one that isn't a direct sequel and explores the possibilities of advanced exploration. It also has one of the most original depictions of alien life, having like nitrogen based life forms floating around as cloud beasts on Jupiter.
Digibutter Civilization Tournament Information
posted by Super-Claus Jul 11 2013 00:23 GMT in Civilization Digibutter Edition
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This topic serves as the information center for all Digi Civ III tournaments. Main announcements for the tournaments can be found here or in the Diginet Navy. Tournaments will last 3 nights on average. At the end of the 3rd night a winner will be announced. Below you can view the rules alongside the information to access the game and tournaments. Finally at the very bottom you can find a quick overview on how to play Civilization III.

The Rules:

1.Each turn cycle will last no longer than 3 minutes, if you are taking too long you will be asked to end your turn immediatley so the game is not haulted

2. We save every 15-20 minutes, in case of a game crash or a disconnect

3. Unit stacks may not exceed more than THREE UNITS. This does not include ships, workers, or settlers, but rather just militia units. Failure to comply will result in marks against you, if you gain 3 marks you wil be kicked from the game.


How To Join:

Step 1:

Get Hamachi:


Join the group Dinnerbutter

Password is digi

Step 2:

Get Civ III:


or if you're too cheap for 5 bucks


Step 3:

so yeah once you have civ III insalled:

  • get into the Hamachi group thing
  • In civ III load the conquests exe
  • go to multiplayer in the main menu
  • select LAN when the options come up
  • and enter the Digibutter_Game


How to play civ:

FIRST AND FOREMOST: To chat in mulitplayer simply press the "~" key to open a message window.

Here is a list of the civilizations available to play as: http://www.civfanatics.com/civ3/civilizations/

When in multiplayer we are going to be playing in a mode called "simultaneous"

This means we all move our Units(which are kind of like chess pieces but with special uses(workers will build things in your cities, military units fight, settlers build cities)) at the same time or we use our units ability all in one turn, and then once we've all finished our turns it has a action timers that runs a cities production(which is used to make things), food, and wealth, and then the next turn begins and you can use your units again.

The game starts you with three units:

A Settler, who will found your capital when told to

A Worker, who can work tiles within your cities boards

and A Warrior, who can explore unknown areas, which will be covered by a black shadow, OR they can fight other units/siege cities


To make one unit fight another or attack a city simply use the movement command to make him attack.


Units are commanded by the unit interface at the bottom middle of the screen, alongside a unit and civilization info window to the right and a minimap to the left:

If you hover the mouse over one of the buttons it tells you what it is.


To edit a city, simple right click on it and choose one of the drop down options that appear.


To win Civ you either launch a spaceship, go for the cultural victory, take over the economy, or take over the world by force.



Happy Nation-Building!


And with that we finish tourney number 3, the results are:

bobz- first

dim- second

darkz- third

nas- fourth

gold- fifth

Next tournament will be wednesday at 2 PM EDT

legends 3 demo
posted by Super-Claus Jul 14 2013 06:26 GMT
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WHO GIVES A *CRAG* IF ITS AN 8-BIT *CRAG*FEST ITS MORE THAN WHAT CAPCOM DID and also as far as 8 bit fan games go this is pretty solid


posted by Super-Claus Feb 07 2013 02:31 GMT in Nas & Slim R in Wuv
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Fallen Shade

Digibutter Civilization III: Complete/Conquests/PTW Tournament 2
posted by Super-Claus May 30 2013 19:51 GMT in Civilization Digibutter Edition
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Do you have what it takes to build a Digilization... err Civilization that can stand the test of time?

Welcome to the Second Digibutter Civilization III Tournament!

The First Digibutter Civ III Tournament is coming to a close, and with its end beckons the beginning of the SECOND tournament, now bigger than before!

The Rules:

1.Each turn cycle will last no longer than 3 minutes, if you are taking too long you will be asked to end your turn immediatley so the game is not haulted

2. We save every 15-20 minutes, in case of a game crash or a disconnect

3. Don't cry like a babby if you die

The game is at 9 PM EST


The Players are:

Dimfish - Byzatine

MeowMixer - Germany

Bobzearth - ???

Slim - France

Nas- America

Ph1r3- Mongolia

Step 1:

Get Hamachi:


Join the group Dinnerbutter

Password is digi

Step 2:

Get Civ III:


or if you're too cheap for 5 bucks


Step 3:

so yeah once you have civ III insalled:

  • get into the Hamachi group thing
  • In civ III load the conquests exe
  • go to multiplayer in the main menu
  • select LAN when the options come up
  • and enter the Digibutter_Game

Slim/Bobz won the game by points, but since the civ was a handoff late game the credit goes to SLIM. Dim came in second, meow in third, nas in fourth and ph1r3 in a distant fifth.

GOTY 2013
posted by Super-Claus Jun 09 2013 19:53 GMT
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skinny wario recolor pls
Digibutter Civilization III: Complete/Conquests/PTW Tournament
posted by Super-Claus May 05 2013 00:16 GMT in Civilization Digibutter Edition
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Do you have what it takes to build a Digilization... err Civilization that can stand the test of time?

Welcome to the Digibutter Civilixation III Tournament!

Okay so over at the diginet navy we're putting together a Digibutter Civilization III match. The players for the most part have been decided. This is the inforation topic for those players.

The Rules:

1.Each turn cycle will last no longer than 3 minutes, if you are taking too long you will be asked to end your turn immediatley so the game is not haulted

2. We save every 15-20 minutes, in case of a game crash or a disconnect

3. Don't cry like a babby if you die

The game is at 9 PM EST


The Players are:

Dimfish -America

MeowMixer - Aztec

Bobzearth - Inca

Slim - Japan

Step 1:

Get Hamachi:


Yes yes I know "blah blah blah bloatware" but the best way to make a stable server in civ III is either doing some crazy decade old server set up shit or this, and this is frankly alot easier and probably way more stable since it acts as a direct LAN connection.

Step 2:

Join the Hamachi Game Group:

Netword-ID: Digi-Civ

Password: digibutter


Step 3:

Get Civ III:


or if you're too cheap for 5 bucks


so yeah once you have civ III insalled:

get into the hamachi group

and then in civ III load the conquests exe

go to multiplayer in the main menu

select LAN when the options come up

and enter the Digibutter_Game


How to play civ:

FIRST AND FOREMOST: To chat in mulitplayer simply press the "~" key to open a message window.

Here is a list of the civilizations available to play as: http://www.civfanatics.com/civ3/civilizations/

When in multiplayer we are going to be playing in a mode called "simultaneous"

This means we all move our Units(which are kind of like chess pieces but with special uses(workers will build things in your cities, military units fight, settlers build cities)) at the same time or we use our units ability all in one turn, and then once we've all finished our turns it has a action timers that runs a cities production(which is used to make things), food, and wealth, and then the next turn begins and you can use your units again.

The game starts you with three units:

A Settler, who will found your capital when told to

A Worker, who can work tiles within your cities boards

and A Warrior, who can explore unknown areas, which will be covered by a black shadow, OR they can fight other units/siege cities


To make one unit fight another or attack a city simply use the movement command to make him attack.


Units are commanded by the unit interface at the bottom middle of the screen, alongside a unit and civilization info window to the right and a minimap to the left:

If you hover the mouse over one of the buttons it tells you what it is.


To edit a city, simple right click on it and choose one of the drop down options that appear.


To win Civ you either launch a spaceship, go for th cultural victory, take over the economy, or take over the world by force.


That was my crappy guide to civ. Hope it helped.

Night Ten Results:
BOBZ!!! Yes bobz won with a score of 1268!
Following in second was Slim with a score of 1100,
in third was Meow with a score of 923,
and in last was Dim with a score of 541.
Thank you all for participating and I hope to see you int he next tournament!
nerr2babe.exe 2.0
posted by Super-Claus May 29 2013 19:39 GMT
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beware of becoming dragonflies and giant penis monsters

It's pretty good. It's got James bond as a leading character so that's a plus.
whats gaying on here
posted by Super-Claus May 29 2013 20:23 GMT in a hipster goblin
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Fallen Shade
Shadowarticuno is whats gaying on here, probably lurking though
Holy jesus why wasn't anyone talking about this
posted by Super-Claus May 16 2013 23:59 GMT in Batman: Arkham Origins
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please don't *crag* it up keep the gold streak going

Hell yeah lets do it mother truckers
posted by Super-Claus Apr 21 2013 14:00 GMT in N64 Multiplayer
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go here to find out how to make it work:


but don't download the files from the video, ask me on steam or in a PM for the files

I may actually try to get in on this one.
Digibutter Radio
posted by Super-Claus Apr 07 2013 04:40 GMT
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Okay so the first stream went okay overall, wish I had organized the genres better because they seemed to clump together. But yeah this is something I'll be putting up from time to time, usually late at night EST or random times on the weekends.

If you have any song you want added to the radio playlist, just leave them in a comment. Only rules: nothing depressing. People listen to the radio to losen up not feel worse.

shows over
The American education system sure has gone downhill since the 80's
notalwayslearning.com posted by Super-Claus Apr 02 2013 01:00 GMT
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the title of the topic was meant to side with the crazy religious lady
Why are we not talking about this
posted by Super-Claus Mar 29 2013 19:40 GMT
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my friend is forcing me to get into mgs
The only entertaining moment in reality tv
posted by Super-Claus Mar 28 2013 18:52 GMT
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I'd lose my shit if I saw someone pulling those kinda moves on a towman
posted by Super-Claus Mar 03 2013 23:11 GMT in Wii U
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yeah nas, but plugging a controller into a laptop/desktop is not the same experience as playing on a wireless gamepad with built-in screen.
Pretty Neat
posted by Super-Claus Mar 03 2013 20:37 GMT in Donkey Kong Country Returns
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3DS lighting looks like it suffered some, but hey if they use the 3DS like a SNES controller then all is forgiven.

i never played dkcr so im ok with this
N64 Multiplayer Games Archive:
posted by Super-Claus Nov 10 2012 17:48 GMT in N64 Multiplayer
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Emulator and Hamachi Links:





Multiplayer Server Archive:

Ph1r3's Server Info:


Meow's Server Info:


Claus's Server Info:


This is a link list of all the games we use in our multiplayer, easy download access etc etc:

Conkers Bad Fur Day:


Bomberman 64:


Gaunlet Legends(To play you must have the graphics settings like this- jabbo's 3D8 and in the plugin settings check the box for Force legacy pixle pipline):


Mario patry 2:


Mario party 3:


*IMPORTANT* NEW Mario Party 2 & 3 Saves:


Turok 2 Seeds of Evil:


Perfect Dark:


F-Zero X:




Rampage World Tour:


Super Smash Bros.:


Mario Kart 64:


Goemon's Great Adventure:


Snowboard Kids:


Snowboard Kids II(Of Note: Snowboard kids II does not work past the company logos screen, I will post a fix as soon as one is found.) :


*IMPORTANT*NEW Snowboard Kids 1 & 2 Saves:


If there are any others that need to be added to the list I will update it, other than that this should be good for now.


*pheonix down*

Hey you should all play this because we need something to do as a family bonding project or some shit
posted by Super-Claus Feb 24 2013 18:20 GMT
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yeah it's pretty much dragonica meets castlvania but you probably guessed that



my username is dimfish

haven't got a clue what meow's is

see you there if the download decides to actually not break again for me

*this one too*