Ubisoft wants Splinter Cell to be as big as James Bond
Posted by GoNintendo Jul 12 2013 17:21 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a GamesRadar interview with director, Maxime Beland...

GR: You guys make a great spy game. Settle an office debate for us: who should make the next James Bond game? Fancy it yourself?

MB: Ha--you know what, I don’t think about it in that way. It’s the opposite for me. I really want Splinter Cell to have an amazing movie franchise and to be as big as James Bond. There are some great Bond movies, and they’re obviously a big point of reference for us. At the same time, I’m so hungry for a good Splinter Cell movie. I know we’re developing one now, and that people are responding to it. Sam Fisher is a great hero--he’s interesting, he’s different--and the brand has some really iconic images like the three-light goggles. The Splinter Cell world is just so interesting, so yeah, I think it deserves a great movie.

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