The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GameTrailers May 23 2011 21:43 GMT
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Welcome the hero of time with thunderous applause as Link returns to defend Hyrule on the Nintendo 3DS in June.

Posted by GoNintendo May 22 2011 16:21 GMT
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dat midget link

goddamn it, guys, slim is joking
i was gonna make nearly the same joke, until i noticed slim already did

Posted by IGN May 21 2011 00:37 GMT
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It's finally here. Though The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is still a month away from its North American release, Nintendo has dropped off a reviewable build of the game here at the IGN offices. I've been firing through the game, discovering new things and reliving moments that I only vaguely remember playing through as a teenager. For this week's Hyrule Times, I wanted to take you on a quick tour of some of the cool stuff I've experienced in my exploration of Link's world...

Posted by GoNintendo May 19 2011 22:16 GMT
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This print was on display at a recent Nintendo of Canada event for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. It’s the only one like it that I know of! Let’s hope the owner appreciates it, and we never see it up on eBay!

Posted by IGN May 18 2011 21:55 GMT
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Many readers have asked us is if Nintendo (through Japanese developer Grezzo) has added anything to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Of course, the game is being drastically revamped visually, with improved textures, animations and character models. The touch-based capabilities of the Ninten...

Posted by Joystiq May 17 2011 00:12 GMT
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As if ReDeads in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time weren't scary enough in English, one gamer recently captured over 10 minutes of footage of the game in German, ReDeads and all. Aside from sheer terror, the clip also features a thorough look at the upcoming remake.

Posted by GoNintendo May 15 2011 17:03 GMT
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wtf they made ocarina playing too easy
Fallen Shade
He needed to roll more, also the ledge jump looks pimp as shit

Posted by IGN May 14 2011 01:00 GMT
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Over the course of 25 years, the Legend of Zelda series has amassed a legacy that few other video game franchises have come close to matching. While many of us older Zelda fans have been with the series since its inception, there are hordes of younger gamers who have never played some of the series' most classic titles...

Posted by GoNintendo May 13 2011 18:19 GMT
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You may have caught this the first time we posted up the trailer, but if not, here’s a bit of information for you. The trailer above seems to show Young Link running around in an area from the Forest Temple. If you’ve played Ocarina of Time before, you know that Young Link doesn’t [...]
wait what
Fallen Shade

I don't think thats the forest temple, there'd be overgrown plants on the walls and it would be a bit more darker if it was.

Probably a cave or ordeals type of thing or a bonus dungeon.

Posted by GoNintendo May 13 2011 17:34 GMT
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Format: Nintendo 3DS Launch Date: 06/19/11 ESRB: E (10+): Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes Game Type: Action Adventure Players: 1 Publisher: Nintendo Website: The Story that Became a Legend Now in 3D The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D brings a completely re-mastered version of this epic entry in the beloved The Legend of Zelda series to the Nintendo 3DS system. The game couples phenomenally enhanced graphics [...]

Posted by GameTrailers May 12 2011 23:30 GMT
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A quick comparison video showing off a few of the additions in Master Quest!

Posted by Giant Bomb May 12 2011 18:29 GMT
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Star Fox 64, aka the best Star Fox.

While the lack of new content has me cautious about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (ahem, not to mention the distinct lack of Majora's Mask), I could, however, go for a little more Star Fox in my life. Andriasang was following Japanese retailer Shibuya's Twitter feed during a Nintendo retail conference in Japan, wherein some new wrinkles about Star Fox 64 3D came out. Take a deep breath.

For one, the game will feature a 3DS mode, N64 mode and Battle mode. It's unclear whether the visuals revert to the original Nintendo 64 stylings during N64 mode, but that'd be a neat option. The differentiator may, however, refer to controls, as in 3DS mode, you're controlling the Arwing with 3DS' gyroscope. Players who were rightfully worried about forced motion controls can calm down.

As you might imagine, Battle mode refers to multiplayer, with Star Fox 64 3D supporting four players simultaneously. You'll even be able to send a temporary copy of the game to a nearby 3DS to increase the player count via download play. Buuuuuuut here comes the real bummer: there's no online support.

What? Argh. Dammit, Nintendo. I know, I know, I shouldn't have such high expectations, but still. Still.


Posted by IGN May 11 2011 22:07 GMT
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When the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time first made its way onto the gaming scene over 12 years ago, it sent a shockwave through the gaming community. From Z-targeting to lens flares, the game set the standard for all future action adventure games, and continues to be hailed as one of the greatest games of all time. With The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Nintendo is finally giving us a shinnied up portable version of this legendary game, and we've got all the details right here...

Posted by IGN May 07 2011 00:27 GMT
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Hyrule is a vast land full of mystery and brimming with secrets. With The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D's release only a month away, now's as good a time as any to break down this legendary landscape by location and give you a quick refresher course on everything you need to know about each of these areas. So grab a pen, some paper, and a Master Sword if you can get your hands on one, and join us as we take a trip back to some of the most memorable locations in all of Zelda history...

Posted by Joystiq May 05 2011 23:10 GMT
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Nintendo Greece has apparently decided that selling its customers a renovated, three-dimensional version of the best game ever made isn't a sweet enough treat. The official Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D page on has revealed that folks who pre-order the game through Nintendo will receive a plethora of bonuses, including a keychain, baseball cap, 3DS cover, an actual ocarina and -- get this -- a canister of Deku tree seeds. (We hear that if you plant them, actual sentient shrubs come out of the ground.)

No pre-order bonuses for the U.S. have been announced, but needless to say, the bar's been set pretty high. If we don't get a pouch of replica rupees, or at the very least, a remote-controlled Bombchu, we're going to be extremely disappointed.

Posted by IGN May 05 2011 18:36 GMT
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In a recent interview with The Guardian, famed game designer Shigeru Miyamoto says Nintendo is not interested in any more 3D remakes for the 3DS. "We would like to create more new titles. For example, this year we are making Super Mario 3D, but it's not really a remake of [the Wii's Super Mario] Gal...

Posted by GoNintendo May 04 2011 06:42 GMT
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- characters still sometimes fade into view as you approach them - interiors are now fully polygonal constructs - Kokiri Forest shop now features a sign made from a giant leaf, bags of goods in the background, detailed posters on the far wall, a patterned rug and pots in the foreground - can now equip 4 items (one [...]

Posted by GameTrailers May 03 2011 18:23 GMT
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Link's epic adventure into the 3D realm is becoming true 3D on Nintendo's 3DS handheld system.

Posted by IGN Apr 30 2011 00:45 GMT
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Welcome back to the Hyrule Times, IGN's column dedicated to anything and everything related to the Legend of Zelda franchise. Longtime readers will remember this column from a while back, as it explored many of the Zelda games from years past. This time we're doing something a bit different with thi...

Posted by GameTrailers Apr 27 2011 01:17 GMT
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How much better does the 3DS make the legendary game look? Start from the beginning with our comparison with Ocarina of Time's Title Cinematic as seen on the Nintendo 64!

Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 26 2011 19:24 GMT
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When I asked Nintendo if DS Lite production had stopped, the company responded, though without really confirming anything one way or the other. And while discussing his company's last fiscal year, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata outlined the forthcoming lineup for both 3DS and Wii...but managed to remain remarkably vague about specifics, too. Something tells me E3 may have to do with this, ya know.

In any case, here's what Nintendo said is currently scheduled for 2011 across both 3DS and Wii: 

 When are you gonna play this game? TBA, dudes, TBA. 3DS
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D -- 06/19/2011 
  • Star Fox 64 3D -- TBA (to be announced)
  • Animal Crossing (Temp.) -- TBA 
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising -- TBA 
  • Mario Kart (Temp.) -- TBA
  • Paper Mario (Temp.) -- TBA

  • Wii Play: Motion -- 06/13/2011
  • Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust -- 06/27/2011
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword -- 2011

What this does tell us, however, is that Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and Paper Mario should be receiving proper titles, likely at E3. Currently taking bets that all of them will simply have "3D" added to the end.