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Posted by Joystiq Jan 31 2012 22:40 GMT
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Dungeon Defenders' smaller-scale DLC, available on PC through Steam, will not be available for the XBLA or PSN versions of the tower defense action title. This content includes: current and future Holiday DLC, the New Heroes Pack, the Barbarian character, Assault Mission Pack, Nightmare Mode, Shops and more.

"After much thought and investigation, we've decided it's unfeasible from both a technical and business standpoint to bring the PC-only content to the console versions," Trendy wrote on its forums, as noted by XBLAfans. "This is for a variety of reasons including the massive restructuring of the current console game that would have to take place, the QA process necessary to prepare for submission, patch size limitations, patch stacking requirements, and the opportunity cost of pursuing other projects."

Major expansion packs like "The Lost Eternia Shards: Mistymire Forest" DLC, of which there are still three more planned, will make their way to consoles. Although this isn't the best news for fans on XBLA or PSN, the PC game goes on sale pretty consistently, so picking it up at a bargain shouldn't be a hardship.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 23 2011 12:15 GMT
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Dungeon Defenders has gotten a whole stockingful of new content for the holidays, available now for PC players. There are new skins and new holiday-themed weapons for all four of the classes, new holiday-themed dress and clothing for enemies, and even a brand new mission to play, tasking players with delivering presents and then defending them against an army led by a Mega Snowman. That's a ho-ho-whole lot of updates right there.

And as if that wasn't enough, the base game is on sale on Steam for the holidays, where you can pick it up for under $10. And the team at Trendy is even giving a holiday wallpaper away for free over on the official website. You'd have to be a real Grinch to not check that one out! See more of the holiday update content in the trailer above and the gallery below.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 22 2011 15:07 GMT
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Loot-obsessing, tower defense action game Dungeon Defenders has surpassed 600,000 sales since its launch in mid-October. In coincidental celebration, "The Lost Eternia Shards: Mistymire Forest" DLC (released last week on Steam) is now available for 320 MSP ($4) and $3.99 on the Xbox Marketplace and PSN, respectively. The DLC includes four new missions, a new boss, new loot and a crypt-ton of spiders.

Developer Trendy Entertainment's first major success comes from one the most content-packed downloadable games of the year. Sales of Dungeon Defenders, which have favored PC thus far, have been assisted by several deep discounts on Steam and Amazon. If you're looking for a co-op game (and we stress co-op!) over the holiday break, give Dungeon Defenders a spin.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 21 2011 10:54 GMT
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Yes, it’s one of those things where they add stuff to a game for free! We used to call them patches, but now we call them free DLC, at least when they have content and not just fixes in. A subtle distinction, don’t you think? Anyway, Dungeon Defenders, the excellent FPS tower defence, is getting one of them. Actually I read wrong, it has got one, RIGHT NOW. It includes four new skins for the Apprentice, Monk, Squire and Huntress, new “holiday-themed weapons” and a “mission where you must deliver Christmas presents to random locations and defend them, ending in an epic boss fight with the evil Mega Snowman!”

Woo! Ludicrously colorful trailer featuring said snowman below.(more…)

Posted by Valve Dec 16 2011 07:29 GMT
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7.13 Update Notes

Eternia Shards DLC
* Added Part 1 missions: Mistymire Forest, Portal Defense, LifeStream Hollow Uber MonsterFest (8-player), LifeStream Hollow PvP
* Added early-access to "Nightmare" difficulty mode for owners of the 'Eternia Shards Complete Pack' DLC, with Eternia Shard enemies featured, & corresponding level, enemy, spawn layout & boss rebalancings
* Added 5 new achievements: Mythical Defender, Portal Protector, Nightmare Portal Protector, Nightmare Eternia Shard Recovered: Purple, Eternia Shard Recovered: Purple
* Added new "Mythical" quality-level items, with a level requirement of 74

All Modes
* Fixed a GPU memory leak crash involving any mission with Terrain
* Possible to sell/buy items with a value above 100 million now.
* Added Adjustable Camera Field-Of-View Options slider
* Fixed 1-byte Stat overflow bug, and Raised maximum Per-Item Hero/Defense Stat to 360 (not a total cap, just on each individual item, up from 126)
* Changed Pet XP earnings to 100% of earned XP, up from 50%
* Fixed a Secure-Trade failure bug
* Fixed a UMF enemy-stuck area
* Added optional damage-red material flash when any object or character takes damage
* Raised Level Cap to 74
* DefenderStore.com items will now automatically remove from web listing when sold, dropped, or traded, and will switch between web Shop and web Inventory if moved between in-game Shop and Inventory respectively.
* DefenderStore.com listing name will now automatically match in-game shop name
* Damage resistance no longer reduces incoming momentum (knockback) from hits
* Moved shake-camera and step-towards-target options to the general options panel
* Made ALL Missions and Challenges have Leaderboards
* Added next/previous page buttons to the Play Statistics UI level list
* Nerfed Animus Damage by 33% (retroactive)
* Changed Piercing Shot & Piercing Spreadshot cooldown time from 1.25 seconds to 4 seconds
* TrendyNet will no longer accept connection from pre-7.13 game versions
* Increased non-equipment Stat point cap from 100 to 120


Posted by IGN Dec 14 2011 18:55 GMT
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Dungeon Defenders has done really well for developer Trendy Entertainment. We enjoyed it alot, and with more than 500,000 copies sold across PS3, 360 and PC, it's really no surprise that they want to support it with DLC. What you get in the upcoming DLC is an entirely new set of campaign and cha...

Posted by Valve Dec 01 2011 23:19 GMT
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7.12 Update Notes
* PvE: Added new 8-player "Über Monster Fest!" challenge mission as part of the 'New Heroes Pack'
* All: Players can now to create their own "Hero Shop" with Items they own, set prices on those Items, and then specifically list their game as an "AFK Shop" game. Added button to view the available DefendersStore.com Items along with the active "AFK Shops".
* All: Added a "Add to DefendersStore.com" button to the Item Box and Hero Shop, which enables you to post/updates your items to DefendersStore.com directly from within the game! Also the Items automatically remove themselves from DefendersStore.com when they get sold from your shop!

* All: You can now hold "Alt" and click on another Hero Icon in the Hero Selection or Swapping UI to swap those two hero positions, so you can more easily organize your heroes into sets.
* All: Score indicator collapses the same-type labels onto each other, so if you kill 100 goblins before the score indicator has caught up, you get a "Killed 100 +100" message rather than 100 goblin kill messages. This makes the score indicator much more useful and timely.
* All: Every slower swinging melee weapon now deals proportionally more damage! (as listed on their Damage Stat too). Is retroactive.
* All: Raised Mana Bank non-shop earnings Cap to 100,000,000
* PvE: Adept "Instant Upgrade" can now also be used in the Build Phase, useful for time-limited missions, and reduced the cost of "Purity Bomb" to 200 Mana. Also, Instant-Upgrade can be used beyond Upgrade Level 5 to do an Instant Repair, at a high cost of Mana.
* PvE: Dark Elf Warrior Damage to Towers reduced by 50%, and their Targeting Desirability to Towers reduced by 40%.
* All: Monk Weapons retroactively buffed 33% Melee Damage, Monk Ranged Damage Exponential Ramp nerfed 20%, Monk Hero Boost upkeep cost increased 20%.
* All: Redesigned the Adept animations.
* All: Upgrading Projectile Speed now has a minimal impact on resale value.
* All: All Chicken Pets standardized to 80 Upgrade Levels.
* All: Countess "Joust" damage scales better (increased damage stat ramp by 20%), and "Joust" now does scaled Weapon Elemental Damage as well. Countess "Call To Arms" radius raised and ally damage buff ramp increased 15%
* All: Definitive Chicken-Pet 33% damage buff.

* All: Fixed bug where you could get someone else's Tavern dropped items in YOUR Tavern.
* All: Keyboard-lockout after naming your game when using a Gamepad is fixed
* All: Likely fix for weapon-not-appearing-on-character issue under lossy-network conditions
* All: Another Countess "Joust" client issue fixed,
* DDDK: Total Conversions can now use custom Materials.

Posted by Valve Dec 01 2011 23:19 GMT
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7.12 Update Notes
* PvE: Added new 8-player "Über Monster Fest!" challenge mission as part of the 'New Heroes Pack'
* All: Players can now to create their own "Hero Shop" with Items they own, set prices on those Items, and then specifically list their game as an "AFK Shop" game. Added button to view the available DefendersStore.com Items along with the active "AFK Shops".
* All: Added a "Add to DefendersStore.com" button to the Item Box and Hero Shop, which enables you to post/updates your items to DefendersStore.com directly from within the game! Also the Items automatically remove themselves from DefendersStore.com when they get sold from your shop!

* All: You can now hold "Alt" and click on another Hero Icon in the Hero Selection or Swapping UI to swap those two hero positions, so you can more easily organize your heroes into sets.
* All: Score indicator collapses the same-type labels onto each other, so if you kill 100 goblins before the score indicator has caught up, you get a "Killed 100 +100" message rather than 100 goblin kill messages. This makes the score indicator much more useful and timely.
* All: Every slower swinging melee weapon now deals proportionally more damage! (as listed on their Damage Stat too). Is retroactive.
* All: Raised Mana Bank non-shop earnings Cap to 100,000,000
* PvE: Adept "Instant Upgrade" can now also be used in the Build Phase, useful for time-limited missions, and reduced the cost of "Purity Bomb" to 200 Mana. Also, Instant-Upgrade can be used beyond Upgrade Level 5 to do an Instant Repair, at a high cost of Mana.
* PvE: Dark Elf Warrior Damage to Towers reduced by 50%, and their Targeting Desirability to Towers reduced by 40%.
* All: Monk Weapons retroactively buffed 33% Melee Damage, Monk Ranged Damage Exponential Ramp nerfed 20%, Monk Hero Boost upkeep cost increased 20%.
* All: Redesigned the Adept animations.
* All: Upgrading Projectile Speed now has a minimal impact on resale value.
* All: All Chicken Pets standardized to 80 Upgrade Levels.
* All: Countess "Joust" damage scales better (increased damage stat ramp by 20%), and "Joust" now does scaled Weapon Elemental Damage as well. Countess "Call To Arms" radius raised and ally damage buff ramp increased 15%
* All: Definitive Chicken-Pet 33% damage buff.

* All: Fixed bug where you could get someone else's Tavern dropped items in YOUR Tavern.
* All: Keyboard-lockout after naming your game when using a Gamepad is fixed
* All: Likely fix for weapon-not-appearing-on-character issue under lossy-network conditions
* All: Another Countess "Joust" client issue fixed,
* DDDK: Total Conversions can now use custom Materials.

Posted by Valve Dec 01 2011 23:19 GMT
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7.12 Update Notes
* PvE: Added new 8-player "Über Monster Fest!" challenge mission as part of the 'New Heroes Pack'
* All: Players can now to create their own "Hero Shop" with Items they own, set prices on those Items, and then specifically list their game as an "AFK Shop" game. Added button to view the available DefendersStore.com Items along with the active "AFK Shops".
* All: Added a "Add to DefendersStore.com" button to the Item Box and Hero Shop, which enables you to post/updates your items to DefendersStore.com directly from within the game! Also the Items automatically remove themselves from DefendersStore.com when they get sold from your shop!

* All: You can now hold "Alt" and click on another Hero Icon in the Hero Selection or Swapping UI to swap those two hero positions, so you can more easily organize your heroes into sets.
* All: Score indicator collapses the same-type labels onto each other, so if you kill 100 goblins before the score indicator has caught up, you get a "Killed 100 +100" message rather than 100 goblin kill messages. This makes the score indicator much more useful and timely.
* All: Every slower swinging melee weapon now deals proportionally more damage! (as listed on their Damage Stat too). Is retroactive.
* All: Raised Mana Bank non-shop earnings Cap to 100,000,000
* PvE: Adept "Instant Upgrade" can now also be used in the Build Phase, useful for time-limited missions, and reduced the cost of "Purity Bomb" to 200 Mana. Also, Instant-Upgrade can be used beyond Upgrade Level 5 to do an Instant Repair, at a high cost of Mana.
* PvE: Dark Elf Warrior Damage to Towers reduced by 50%, and their Targeting Desirability to Towers reduced by 40%.
* All: Monk Weapons retroactively buffed 33% Melee Damage, Monk Ranged Damage Exponential Ramp nerfed 20%, Monk Hero Boost upkeep cost increased 20%.
* All: Redesigned the Adept animations.
* All: Upgrading Projectile Speed now has a minimal impact on resale value.
* All: All Chicken Pets standardized to 80 Upgrade Levels.
* All: Countess "Joust" damage scales better (increased damage stat ramp by 20%), and "Joust" now does scaled Weapon Elemental Damage as well. Countess "Call To Arms" radius raised and ally damage buff ramp increased 15%
* All: Definitive Chicken-Pet 33% damage buff.

* All: Fixed bug where you could get someone else's Tavern dropped items in YOUR Tavern.
* All: Keyboard-lockout after naming your game when using a Gamepad is fixed
* All: Likely fix for weapon-not-appearing-on-character issue under lossy-network conditions
* All: Another Countess "Joust" client issue fixed,
* DDDK: Total Conversions can now use custom Materials.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 24 2011 10:19 GMT
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Google just told me that today is Thanksgiving for our North American chums, so presumably they get to stay off work, avoid their families and play games all day. In keeping with the spirit of the occasion, Dungeon Defenders is receiving three new chunks of DLC, the first of which is a thematic exploration of the ancient American tradition of gratefully devouring turkeys. It’s a single map with a giant turkey boss and four unlockable costumes, available for no pennies until December 2nd. Further treats come in the form of New Heroes, which provides four new classes that at first appear to be nothing more than gender swaps for the original heroes, but actually have new abilities. Then there is the Warping Core pack, with four new challenges and a smattering of unique loot. Videos and prices below.


Posted by Valve Nov 23 2011 20:51 GMT
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7.11 Update Notes

* All: Added 4 New Heroes for play: the Adept, the Countess, the Initiate, and the Ranger
* PvE: Added "Warping Core Challenge Pack", and added "The Great Turkey Hunt!" TrendyNet Event & four new corresponding Hero costumes

* All: Increased maximum number of profile Heroes to 16.
* All: Magic Staffs Knockback Max Damage Multiplier changes to 1.8 (the same as Magic Bolt Projectiles) rather than 1.5
* All: Upgraded weapons have improved resale value
* All: Added Auto-Refire (hold mouse button) For Squire and Monk attacks (both Monk attacks), and Apprentice staffs (hold RMB+LMB to keep auto-refiring, hold just the LMB if you want to Charge).
* All: Hero Info UI stat point application can now be combined with the following modifier buttons: RMB removes a point, Shift with LMB/RMB adds/removes 5 points, and Ctrl with LMB/RMB adds/removes all points to a stat.
* All: Gamepad users can now set an online game name when they Host
* All: Changed Lobby Searches to be Worldwide (still ordered by distance of course). Sorry about that guys, no more region-locking!
* All: Fixed one more case of an erroneous VAC failure.
* All: Added Linear Upgrade Multiplier for Defense Upgrades -- this will linearly buff the Health and Damage of an Upgraded Defense according the following table (percents are each from the base value): 1st Upgrade +20%, 2nd Upgrade +40%, 3rd Upgrade +60%, 4th Upgrade +80%, 5th Upgrade +100%
* All: Chicken Damage buffed by 33%
* All: At the Hero Info UI, added on-screen mouse-keyboard combinations for faster level-up point applications and removal, particularly useful when respecing
* All: Fixed issue with Gamepad Left Trigger not correctly activating the "Invest All" button on the Equipment Info UI

* PvE: Super-Loot scaling added to all INSANE Challenges
* PvE: Shop gets restocked every 5 waves of Survival/Pure-Strat/Mix that you play, with the latest and greatest stuff.
* PvE: Super-Loot re-added to Pure Strat & Shop, at their own scaling rates
* PvE: Ogre Poison Ball no longer damages Eternia Crystals
* PvE: Moved loot tables to scale several waves earlier (better loot earlier on)
* PvE: Adding Super-Loot back into PS and Shops, ramp values forthcoming...
* PvE: Limited enemy projectile flight-distances to 3000 units, to avoid long-flight stray arrows and projectiles causing game loss
* PvE: Buffed Mix Mode Loot Ramp about 20%
* PvE: Active (non-retired) Heroes boost boost the Damage output of towers they specifically summoned by 33% (indicated via a Hero Face Icon on the tower's floating HUD)
* PvE: Buffed Monk's "Defense Boost" ability Heal-Amount Ramp by 15%
* PvE: Removed the Dark Elf Warriors' 3-second Spawn Immunity
* PvE: Skeletons will no longer target or damage Eternia Crystals
* PvE: Any Hero XP earned is now also automatically applied as Investment in your equipped Pet, though at a 50% conversion rate

* PvP: Changed existing CTF Map to "Hold the Flag", added new CTF map that is 2-flag base-oriented traditional Capture the Flag gameplay.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 15 2011 09:30 GMT
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Dungeon Defenders, Trendy Entertainment's stalwart downloadable title launched in the midst of the end-of-year madness, recently released its software development kit (SDK) and a pre-alpha pass to a new game mode on PC.

The Dungeon Defenders SDK allows modders to tweak all aspects of the game and create... well, whatever they've got the the talent to come up with. Compelling new levels would be a great place to start.

Trendy also launched a pre-alpha pass for the game's 16-player capture the flag mode. In it, two teams of eight compete to hold the flag longest, with players able to import their existing characters. It is an alpha, so dive in if you're ready to give plenty of feedback.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 14 2011 14:37 GMT
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Adorable, colourful and surprisingly hefty, Dungeon Defenders action-orientated take on tower defense was like an unexpected rainbow preceded by the light drizzle of a delayed PC incarnation. However, the release of the development kit could be the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow and it’s a pot of gold radiant enough to actually dry any remaining bitterness out of your sodden clothing. Which is one way of saying that providing the ability to dabble with the source code is a fine gift. More details below.


Posted by Valve Nov 12 2011 03:36 GMT
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Dungeon Defenders Development Kit and CTF Pre-Alpha Pass Released
Two major Dungeon Defenders releases today have opened up the game up to the community! The first part of this was the release of the pre-Alpha pass for the new, 16-player Dungeon Defenders Capture The Flag mode. Here players can join teams of 8 and fight online with their existing characters. Players can check out this mode in its early state, and provide feedback to Trendy via the forums so they can continue to develop and refine the experience.

Additionally,the Dungeon Defenders Development Kit has been released. This is one of the most robust modding toolsets ever, allowing players to create their own mods and total conversions, as well as seamlessly matchmaking and transfering through Dungeon Defenders' built-in online matchmaking. This kit contains full access to all of Dungeon Defenders' source code and art assets, including source for the new "First Person Defenders" mod which allows players to experience the entire game as a FPS and the new, 16-player Capture The Flag Pre-Alpha, which will allow modders to get a head-start on creating exciting large-scale multiplayer modes for Dungeon Defenders!

Posted by Valve Nov 10 2011 01:53 GMT
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* Added 16-player PvP CTF Pre-Alpha Season Pass "Frostdale Village" DLC support.

* Fixed return-to-tavern crash / map-transition crash
* Fixed issue where Costumes would sometimes not be unlocked when completing Halloween Spooktacular!

* Fixed glitch where you could get "Unlocked New Mission / Costume" messages on every startup unless you did a local save

* Kobolds should no longer ever phase through blockades

* Raised cap on Monk weapon Ranged Damage stat per upgrade to 85

* Added Insta-Invest button to immediately dump in as much Mana as you can for the next Upgrade level

* Fixed bug where User Interface debug info could appear on-screen by pressing some obscure key combination

* Chain Lightning Tower now immediately retargets to new enemies after killing an enemy. Also its Attack Duration Ramp has been increased by 40%, now you get much longer-hitting lighting towers, and Lightning Tower AOE including max number of chains increased by 10%, and its Max Chain Length increased by 33%

* Uber-Chicken Pet's Damage now scales with Hero Damage and has a reasonable impact AoE, making it a fantastic boast-worthy reward for any Legendary Defender

* Fixed issue where DarkBot and Spanky pets weren't counting towards the "Gotta Catch Em All!" Achievement. If you already have those Pets, with this update you will simply need to drop those Pets from your Item Box or Hero, and pick them up or store them again, in order to have them count towards the Achievement.

* Fixed Ogres occasionally getting stuck in creep rooms on Glitterhelm

* Chicken Pet can no longer have poor number of upgrade levels

* Added simplified Monk Auras for low-quality graphics modes

* Enabled Guardians to boost multiple nearby Defenses! This is a new, upgradeable stat on all Guardians (only upgrades once every 10 levels so you need to be packing a high-level Guardian to get the most out of it). Increased Guardian boost-amount exponents by 100% so their Boost-stat value will have more of an effect as well. Enjoy it, it makes Guardians an incredibly powerful buff especially when used in team groupings!

* Auto-lock items picked up from tavern floors

* Reduced enemy ramp by over 60% for Survival Enemies (so a much quicker affair now), but now the Survival/Pure-Strat difficulty ramp vastly increased once you get past Wave 10. Moved Giraffe Pet earning to Wave 25 survival.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 02 2011 21:00 GMT
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The little co-op tower defense action game that could, Dungeon Defenders, has achieved 250,000 sales. A good start for Trendy Entertainment's solid game that came out during the big bad launch week of Batman: Arkham City. Actually, Batman's no-show on PC may have been a blessing for Dungeon Defenders, since it sold 200K units on PC alone, accounting for 80% of sales.

Trendy plans to continue supporting the title with community events for PS3 and Xbox 360 players, with details found in the gallery below (or downloadable here). The events will include special game modes with the devs and a chance to win unique loot.

Definitely check out Dungeon Defenders if you've got a group to play with . It's easily one of the best co-op experiences of the year with plenty of content.

Posted by Valve Nov 01 2011 03:01 GMT
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7.06 Update
Bug fixes / Feature Additions:
* Rebalanced/redesigned Spooktacular spawns and added Leaderboard & Stats collection - Thanks Tsuda!
* Made Spooktacular skins unlockable by beating Spooktacular on hard (per hero class), though second set of weapons remain Insane-only
* Fixed various Spooktacular mission bugs
* Fixed chatbox getting stuck during level transitions
* Make costume unlock requirements clear in the costume selection
* Allowed mission unlocking/downloads at the mission selection screen
* Reduced self-heal mana cost ramp (cheaper to heal at high HP's now)
* Added "Drop All Mana" key, default "M" key, and keybinding added to configuration tool
* Fixed problem with Familiar attack rate being effectively capped (there was indeed a bug with this), and renamed the Familiar Attack Rate stat to "Attack Speed Bonus". Now high-Attack-Rate familars are way, way, way more effective.
* Made practice dummies average DPS over 5 seconds for a more accurate reading
* Fixed potential double-upgrade bug with superfast mouseclicks
* Moved bonus-item crates back into the main section of the Halloween Tavern, out from the Secret Room
* Added Pause menu option to "Hide Game", which delists the game and prevents anyone else from joining it. Useful for turning public match into a private match, or making a private match totally unjoinable even by your friends.
* Fixed bug in algorithm to determine gear stat allocations, that was making high-end gear less likely to have Defense Damage and Defense AoE stats.
* Removed Non-Infinite Build Time Option for Easy, Medium, Hard
* Fixed bug where Squire would turn around when entering block in Chase Cam
* Pets will now attack one of the Practice Dummies in the Tavern so you can check your Pet DPS
* Added button (Default "G") to remote-activate your Eternia Crystal so you can begin the Combat phase from wherever you are

Balancing Changes:
* Made Genie pet's "Grant Mana Bonus" upgradeable, and made him grant more Mana proportionate to how much its "Grant Mana Bonus" is upgraded
* Nerfed Spooktacular "Van Wolfstein" weapon about 40%, and Huntress Ability 'Piercing Shot' about 30%
* Increased speed of Apprentice Staff "knockback" animation by 40%, and increased its maximum (fully charged) damage output by 50%
* Nerfed Bowling Ball & Harpoon Turrets a bit more: bowling ball & harpoon damages reduced by about 33%, attack rate reduced by about 25%, bowling ball projectiles now limited to 6 hits before breaking, harpoon projectiles now limited to 12 hits before breaking.
* Slice and Dice Tower no longer has such a vertical sweep to be effective against enemies above it
* Reduced Energy Drain rates on Electric and Ensnare Monk Auras
* Increased Insane/Post-Insane Kobold Damage by 20% and Kobold Explosion Damage radius by 20%
* 20% increase to Spike Blockade HP & its exponential HP ramp
* 30% better exponential damage ramp on Squire Circular Slice
* 40% reduction on Imp/Engy repair costs

Posted by IGN Oct 31 2011 23:51 GMT
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You've probably heard this sort of statement made about certain games, but I mean it: you need to play Dungeon Defenders with other people. Sure, you could struggle alone and fail repeatedly across the many levels and risk missing the core of the game, but if you gather some friends for local co-op, or even go online with random strangers, you'll find countless hours of entrancingly addictive gameplay as it was intended to be enjoyed...

Posted by Valve Oct 28 2011 21:08 GMT
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7.05 Patch Notes:
* Added "Halloween Spooktacular Event" Content! Tons of New Costumes, New Mission, New Items & Weapons!
* Raised Mana Bank limit to 30 million
* Added VSync and One-Threaded-Renderer Options to the Configuration Tool
* Fixed 50% of all reported crash types
* Improved Apprentice Defense Attack Rate ramp further, now you gain major Attack Rate DPS benefits well into the 100's of Attack Rate points
* Chat-box now won't auto-close when opened if bound to 'Enter'
* Items that are locked in your Item Box now stay locked when equipped to your hero
* Fixed minor potential exploits
* Chat History ("Console") Key can now be set in the Configuration Tool
* Animus projectile now is piercing, and has better damage ramp.
* "Heal-Self" Spell now takes more time proportionate to what your Maximum Health is.
* Made "Enrage Aura" have a longer lifespan, more effective, and cost 1 less DU
* Reduced Bloodrage Speed benefit, and Increased Bloodrage Mana cost-over-time
* Fixed Magic Blockades not properly stealing the Element of Archers or Wyverns
* Push-To-Talk option no longer disables itself between games
* Map Loot icons now appear during the Combat Phase, not just the Build Phase
* Equipment rating calculation now factors in potential upgrade levels (i.e. lower-end equipment with sufficient upgrade levels is compared evenly with upgraded equipment)
* Added 60 more Item Box spaces
* Console (Chat History) keybinding can now be set in the Configuration Tool

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 24 2011 12:19 GMT
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The tower defence genre seems to be filling out a bit now. Not in a bad way. It’s not getting flabby or anything. Perhaps more cuddly, at least if Orcs Must Die and Dungeon Defenders are anything to go by. Dungeon Defenders in particular is super delightful to the point of being saccharine. As violent as the theme is – murdering convoys of fantasy creatures with spikes and spears and magic – you just want to pick it up by its Unreal-rendered polygons and give it a squeeze. So cute!(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 24 2011 09:19 GMT
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Hello. I am not Alec Meer. He’s in charge of this, not me. But Alec is on holiday on Cybertron for a week, so I’m going to have a go. Charts, right? Like they used to have for pop music, but with games instead? I think I can do this.


Posted by Valve Oct 24 2011 04:22 GMT
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7.04 Patch Notes:
* Steam persona names with non-ASCII characters can now connect to TrendyNet. (Korean names, etc)
* Fixed special characters "\", "/", "<" creating unjoinable online games
* Fixed "Start Wave" not updating to display the current Wave number of the match
* Fixed potential losing-mission-unlock issue
* Added option to toggle chase camera offset between left, right, and centered
* Added option to disable "automatic step towards melee target" behavior
* Made UI Scale keep the edge-alignment of the UI elements, so they stay at their corner even as they get smaller
* Console key now changed from Tilde to F1
* Apprentice: increased Tower attack rate ramp
* Squire: lowered Tower DPS ramp
* Increased maximum number of dropped items on the ground in missions
* Made "L" key quickly log/unlock the highlighted item in your Item Box
* Added -dowritelog commandline option to output log data & better error reporting method
* Reworked TrendyNet keep-alive logic to minimize disconnects and reduce load

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 21 2011 13:00 GMT
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Brad and Patrick put on their robes and wizard hats, but find that swords are much more effective.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 21 2011 07:53 GMT
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Colourful UDK-powered 4-player co-op tower defence RPG Dungeon Defenders has a demo! You can get it here. I’ve not had a chance to play this yet, but given how pretty it looks, and the fact that I am a sucker for tower defences, I might just have to have a crack. I’ve also posted the most recent trailer below for your perusal.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Oct 21 2011 06:30 GMT
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Combining action RPG elements with tower defense, Dungeon Defenders lets players use spells, abilities and structures to keep creatures from destroying their crystal. But you don't have to take our word for it to find out if it's fun. The playable PC demo is now available for you to download and enjoy. Up to four players can team up online to fend off the invading hordes while collecting loot, but the demo limits players to a single map and caps characters at level 8.

Download the Dungeon Defenders demo (1.2 GB)

Posted by Valve Oct 21 2011 03:52 GMT
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Update notes:
* Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5
* Third Person Shooter-style offset Chase Camera for ranged classes, for better aiming
* Fix for a Mission Progression data bug, which could cause an issue with not having levels unlocked that you should have.
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
* You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
* Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
* More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
* Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
* Local data automatic backup system
* Gamepad can now properly control the "Choose Multiplayer Mode" UI
* Improved Monk DPS Ramp

Posted by Valve Oct 19 2011 23:18 GMT
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Update Notes:
1. This fixes an issue where the configuration tool key bindings weren't saving
2. This fixes the chat box not appearing when Tab was pressed (or whatever key was bound to it by the user)

Posted by Valve Oct 19 2011 19:49 GMT
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Update Notes:
- Fixed "no sounds" bug with 7.1 speaker setup
- Added Invert mouse to in-game options
- "Disable sound" option in Configuration tool now works
- Less online disconnections, made timeouts more forgiving

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 19 2011 18:04 GMT
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Hello again Sony fans! Phillip Asher here from Trendy Entertainment with some of the best news you’ll hear all week – Dungeon Defenders is launching TODAY on the PlayStation Network! It’s been a long time coming, but we’re excited to finally be here and have our hard work on PSN for all of you to enjoy.

In commemorate today’s fantastic news, we wanted to give all of you a sneak peak at some of the awesome and EXCLUSIVE pets (or familiars) you can get simply by playing Dungeon Defenders with Playstation Plus.

Dungeon Defenders is a tower defense/action RPG/hack-and-slash hybrid that supports four player, drop-in/drop out co-op with persistent and fully customizable characters across four classes. And on top of all that , there are pets: unique and upgradeable familiars that follow you and assist you in your quest, either by attacking enemies, healing you, repairing your towers, granting you extra mana, or more!

Here are the exclusive Playstation Plus familiars:


Cowboy Monkey: Has dual-banana pistols that he shoots at close-range, and a sniper-banana rifle that he unleashes at far range, and wears the PS Plus logo on his hat (!)


Drakon the Dragon: A special dragon that has very good stats for its level, this critter will attack any nearby enemies with flame.


Naimi the Fairy: A special fairy that has very good stats for its level, she’ll heal you and nearby allies when you need it.


Cog the Robot: A special robot that has very good stats for its level, it’ll bash nearby enemies with a barrel-roll attack, knocking them back and doing serious damage.

We hope you enjoy Dungeon Defenders and hope to see you online later this week!

Posted by Joystiq Oct 19 2011 17:45 GMT
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Stop me if you've heard this one. Four heroes walk into a dungeon. Together, they set up an intricate series of traps and barriers, all of them cleverly placed so as to dictate a precise flow of traffic, and ultimately designed to slaughter any possible invader. With the floor plan of death put in place, the heroes summon a horde of goblins, wyverns, kobolds and ogres - and go to work.

In short, Dungeon Defenders follows the formula of the ever-growing tower defense genre to the letter. What sets it apart is the fact that it gets damned near everything exactly right.