Allow me to explain. In the extreme anarcho-capitalist society, individuality and personal liberty comes first. You are you, and you are not recognized as just a part of a group. However, this would mean that everyone would act out of self-interest; there would be no group involvement unless their own personal gain was somehow involved. Let's look at the anarcho-communist society; everyone helps eachother and work toward common goals, and there is utmost safety for each person. However, there would also be a lack of individuality; everyone would essentially hold the same mindset. In addition, unlike capitalism, which rewards people based on their ambition or intelligence, in a communist system, each individual is rewarded the same amount, regardless of qualifying factors. Plus, each individual would be able to take in as much as they think they need to sustain themselves, and this could be abused.
Personally, I would rather live in the individual-focused anarcho-capitalist society; it rewards ambition, self-interest, and intelligence, and allows individuality to flourish. However, one must realize that neither of these extremes are possible; there will always be those to abuse both systems, and that's why any attempts at making a capitalist utopia would evolve in to fascism and any attempts at making a communist utopia would evolve in to authoritarian socialism.
I love him as a comedian, but *CRAG*ING