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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Changes: multiple new rooms, two new bosses, a new partner, an actual chance to test out your FIRST partner's abilities, and THE PLOT THICKENS.


This is made with a different version of Game Maker, so if it still doesn't work for you, Nassy, or you, Dim, then all I can say is that I'm stumped. You'll eventually be able to play this GLORIOUS shoot-em' up game thingy, though, don't worry.

The instant kill on the flavio rangers is annoying.
Also can they be killed? Do they share health with Flavio?
Lord Crump
Boo Boo should follow the same general pattern (As in changing vertical direction when he hits the top of the screen and horizontal direction when he hits the bottom)
In the upper half of the screen, in between the left edge and the middle, there is a spot that Boo Boo should not touch
You WILL have to move around in the fight following that, but if you can recognize where the adds are spawning (And take full advantage of the wrap-around screen), you shouldn't have to worry too much

Here's the second version of Franis 2. The big changes are healing items, a new room, a new party member (Most of this version's changes were dedicated to the party member logic, which I couldn't get to work for some stupid reason, until now, that is), and you can save and load games (Saving after each fight is a pretty good idea).


If you're one of the few people who could not get the first version to work, try downloading this one and see if it runs. I'm still unsure of what the problem is; if you get an error, screencap it for me.

Lord Crump
top left icon; the little franis with the S

So I assumed Plastic Mario wouldn't mind/care if I took that old franis Game Maker game he made a long time ago and turned it into a sequel of sorts (Of course, if for some strange reason he DOES mind, I'll stop immediately). Like the original, members of digibutter will make appearances in the game (With starring roles for loafSKZ, Nastasia, and franis, obviously).

Here is the first demo. It only has one "level" so far, but who gives a shit. It's a demo. :3

Controls: arrow and s keys. And yeah, this is related to the "Digibutter: The Game" project.

it doesn't even work dumbass
Lord Crump
Don't worry, Flavio; you're going to have an even BIGGER role (Although being a boss is part of it)

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 23 2010 19:58 GMT
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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

FRANCIS SAID, "LET THERE BE NERRS." And he saw the nerrs, and saw that it was good.

He commanded them to make the "ultimate totally hi-technical community Game Maker game ever."

And so we SHALL. Here is my contribution. PROVIDE YOURS AND IT WILL BE A GAME FOR THE AGES

(Also we need to contact Plastic Mario and see if he still has his franis game)

Lord Crump
I found Plastic Mario's contribution
Lord Crump B
bugs found so far:
Menu music continues after you click start

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 25 2010 01:52 GMT
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I need to stop listening to people. Everyone I talked to said these were shit when they saw them leaked a few days ago. I thought they were good.

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 22 2010 22:13 GMT in Feedback
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...is that it is too hard to navigate. BUT I PROPOSE A SOLUTION!

We can keep the format largely the same in terms of content delivery, but tweak it a bit. By that I mean making topics more noticeable and the general site more easy to navigate.

My proposition, Francis, is well within your coding capabilities, I would think, and it would not be too difficult to construct. Nor do I think it would eat up too many resources. Essentially, what should happen is that the site should be more graphically focused. Here's what I mean by that.

Imagine that the site was wiped clean. There are no topics, no members... nothing. The site would be represented as a blank field (Which you can choose different skins for the "floor"). Now, let's say someone joins. Say, Nastasia joins the site for the first time. A member profile will be made for her, and she'll have her own message board; pretty much like the current site. There will be a little flag going up on the right hand side of the screen notifying that there are new users; when you click the little notification graphic, Nastasia's name shows up. However, here's the thing: a little graphic will appear on the field. It will probably look like a little smiley face or something by default. Nastasia, however, could edit this; she could make it a little sprite representation of herself, for example. Or she could upload an image or something.

Anyway, when a user clicks on this little Nastasia graphic, her User Message Board pops up, in addition to little buttons that can allow you to navigate to different sections of her profile.

This will happen when every member joins; a default graphic will appear on the previously empty "field," that they will edit and make it their own graphics. When you click on the "Newest Users" thing on the right-hand side, the user list will pop up, and when you click on a name, you will be navigated to the User's graphic on the field.

The same thing will happen when a new message board is created; the creator of the board could edit the image and it will appear on the field. The thing is, though, is that users will be REQUIRED to choose one of five categories for the board when it is created: General, Off-Topic, Gaming, RP, or Groups.

Now that there's two kinds of graphics,  when you click on the "Message Boards" thing on the right hand side of the screen, all of the User graphics will go away and all the Message Board graphics will come to the front of the screen; likewise, clicking "Users" will make all the Message Board graphics go away and display all the User graphics. And clicking on an individual User or Message Board in the list will navigate to that graphic (Think of the Mii Channel on the Wii, and how you can organize/manage/search Miis).

As for the message boards, instead of having the "ignore" feature, people already in the message board could, like in an online game match, vote to "kick" a user out of that message board. In the end, this would make things more easily manageable.

so whaddya think

why me?
Lord Crump
I dunno about that. There's a board created for pretty much every game and every user, is there not? Also, this site could very well take off with my "graphic" idea, as it is essentially an evolution (And most importantly, an ORGANIZED evolution) of the imageboard (But instead of it being an "imageboard," it would be a "graphicboard").

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 23 2010 00:47 GMT in the i love msn board
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if i could ban you i would
k banned

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 23 2010 00:29 GMT in The Dump
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Jr The Dark Knight
I guess that monkey can get two things done at once.

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 21 2010 01:22 GMT in Digiblogger
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"I have been following the stories and comments surrounding Lord Crump, and frankly, I'm appalled. Why doesn't Crump try doing something constructive for once in his life? First off, there are some jejune freebooters who are cranky. There are also some who are deceitful. Which category does Crump fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both". If you can go more than a minute without hearing him talk about adversarialism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial.

"If the human race is to survive on this planet, we will have to expose some of Crump's short-sighted deeds. Okay, that was a facetious statement. This one is not: Crump will do everything in his power to weave his disingenuous traits, disgusting perversions, and dictatorial bait-and-switch tactics into a rich tapestry that is sure to insult my intelligence. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; Crump plans to embark on wholesale torture and slaughter of innocent civilians. He has instructed his mercenaries not to discuss this or even admit to his plan's existence. Obviously, Crump knows he has something to hide.

"Mass anxiety is the equivalent of steroids for Crump. If we feel helpless, Crump is energized and ramps up his efforts to substitute pap for art. Imagine people everywhere embracing his claim that he is omnipotent. The idea defies the imagination. His chums contend that he is God's representative on Earth. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because I find it amusing how all thinking people simultaneously flinched when they heard Crump insist that he can succeed without trying. I don't think anyone questions that. But did you know that it is widely known and beyond dispute that his speeches leave the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea? Unfortunately, I can already see the response to this letter. Someone, possibly Lord Crump himself or one of his subordinates, will write a sinister piece about how prissy I am. If that's the case, then so be it. What I just wrote sorely needed to be written." --some guy


that's you
Fallen Shade
dude what

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 19 2010 02:52 GMT in Serious Bizness
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It kinda disgusts me how divided this whole issue is. I do hold immense sympathy for the Palestinians, but some pro-Palestine individuals are in the extreme, thinking that it's a good idea to kick out all of the Jews living in the region, justifying it by saying, "WELL, IT'S THE PALESTINIANS' HOMELAND." No shit, but take a second to think about this. Most of the Jews that were alive when Palestine was transformed in to Israel are now dead, and the vast majority of the Jews currently living in Israel/Palestine were born and raised there. It's their homeland too, damnit. In other words, Israel shouldn't have existed in the first place, but now it does, and a solution to the conflict must accomodate that.

Saying that the Palestinians should have the land is just as incorrect as saying that the Israelis should have the land. The only correct hope is to hope that both can have the land, and prosper in it as brethren. With that said, the first step to solving the problem is to hope that the Israeli government will eventually stop treating the Palestinians as dogs and let them live and participate in the government as equal citizens. I don't support any solution that involves a radical deconstruction of the government of Israel, however; that will only create more problems than it will solve.

How about everyone just sit on their little chairs and be happy that you have any goddamn land
Fallen Shade

Crump in history when 2 radically different forces desperately seek out something they desire for themselves, 98% of the time theres going to be a shitstorm regardless of what anyone does, One side just needs to be annihilated by another so the rest of us can move on to dealing with our own problems. Not everything can be ended in handshakes and treaties like every democracy in the world thinks it can. Look at when the Americans bombed japan, that didn't end in a handshake nor a treaty, that ended in a massive explosion and gigantic death toll, we didn't give a damn. Now look at our relationship with Japan now, they're one of our hugest marketers bringing us everything from basic furniture to pornongraphy .

Sure we'd totally like to see this end peacefully but with a problem thats been lasting this long it's ridiculous trying to solve it using democracy I mean come the *crag* on, thats like trying to build a treehouse with plastic tools. Sometimes death is the assbeating that a country needs to put it's bullshit in line.

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 19 2010 02:36 GMT in Feedback
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The Bitlands theme is nice and all, but some of us would like to see a bit more choice; you know, multiple skins. Francis, when (And if) you see this, note that this is related to that message I sent you about a new "style" for digibutter to correspond with upcoming major Nintendo videogames that are not only of interest to our community but to potential new members, as well.

For example, the default, non-registered member skin could be based on Paper Mario 3DS (To lure in any fans of the upcoming game), whereas when you register, you can get a choice between the default skin, the "classic" Bitlands theme, or some new ones; for example, you could create a Skyward Sword theme or a Super Mario Galaxy theme for us to use.

Also (And I already know you're going to shoot this one down), being able to create our own avatars is dandy and all, but we should also have the option of uploading an avatar image, like a more conventional social website. There's only so much we can do with the image creator; I know it fits in with the theme of the site and all, but as I suggested, it would be a very good idea for us to have more stylistic options, instead of just one.

The members could try and mock up a few different styles of skins to show that it would work, and then if Francis approves he could implement them based on assets from it's creator. Instead of dumping all the work on Francis, the users could try their hand at creating themes relevant to them and that could attract new ones as well.
Fallen Shade
All of those probably will be implemented in the future eventually, we just need to wait for Francis to get the *crag* off that mountain he's currently on and possibly shave his beard.

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 19 2010 00:12 GMT
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...to be completely honest, it isn't that great. I mean, Kid Icarus: Uprising looks fun and all, and I'm looking forward to it, but it baffles me as to why it's being made in the first place when the original game isn't very fun. Kid Icarus NES just isn't very polished; the level design is terrible, the difficulty isn't so much challenging as it is frustrating, and the controls can be blech at times. With that said, I've only been through two stages; does it get any better? Because so far, it isn't as great as some people have made it out to be.

(I am aware that there is a second Kid Icarus title for the Gameboy).

Fallen Shade
Yeah Kid Iracus was Nintendo's way of throwing Metroid into Mario and doing a bad job at it. I also heard the leveling system was pretty shit as well.
Kid Icarus was kinda fun sometimes. Each of the levels had their up points and down points. I'd say more down than up, but it kept interesting enough to keep me playing.

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 14 2010 01:34 GMT in Xbox 360
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It will sell; people bought wii fit for 100. Plus, it will drop 50 in a year.
weedlord bonerhitler
thats because it IS another *crag*ing EyeToy, shrowsy
Posted by Lord Crump Jun 14 2010 01:27 GMT in Xbox 360 News
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That's a horrible name.
at least it doesn't sound like naval anymore

Posted by Lord Crump Jun 13 2010 04:30 GMT
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Frome here on, this will be digibutter's new mascot.

Fallen Shade


Posted by Lord Crump May 26 2010 20:51 GMT
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Not that OoT's critical average matters taking factors such as the amount of reviews, how many reviewers were actually credible or are now defunct, etc., but the fandumb's reaction is bound to be entertaining

All this for a rehash?
Fallen Shade
It's not, it's basically jacking off hardcore old school Mario players, nostalgia fags, and people who liked the 1st game. But hey I'm not complaining, it's probably the best 3D platformer thats been on a nintendo console since Banjo Kazooie, and thats saying something.

Posted by Lord Crump May 26 2010 03:28 GMT in Final Fantasy IX
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Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
I never used Freya after the Grotto/wherever she needed to be used
Always went with Zidane, Garnet, Steiner and Vivi. Always.

Posted by Lord Crump May 26 2010 03:02 GMT in Final Fantasy VII
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I could just copy/paste the text, but I'll link to the topic I made on another forum. K', discuss

Looks like a troll thread to me

Posted by Lord Crump May 23 2010 13:59 GMT in The Dump
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Once upon a time, a Tanuki was heading down to the local marketplace to purchase some more sake when

Posted by Lord Crump May 23 2010 03:30 GMT
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Jack Noir
Just got it, but then my PS3 got the blinking red light thing.
Looks like it would be fun.
Posted by Lord Crump May 11 2010 14:39 GMT
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BREAK OUT THE CHATEAU ROMANI oh wait we're fresh out.
wut mark

Posted by Lord Crump May 09 2010 00:26 GMT
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Fallen Shade

that was really gay

Lord Crump
no, it's not okay

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 16 2009 12:36 GMT in Digital Butterflies
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That. Is scary..... Wait I remember from one of the newer Zelda games... Twilight Princess right?  Still. It is scarier than Iggy Koopa in a bikini..

Posted by Lord Crump Apr 21 2010 02:26 GMT in Movies
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Read the review at the link I just gave you. Go ahead, I'll wait.


I doubt I've ever read a more stupid critique in my life. I mean, what the hell? I could understand giving the film an incredibly low one star if he, you know, actually explained how the film was bad based on its artistic merits. That's what critics are supposed to do, right? Good critics, that is. Provide an objective-as-possible take on a movie, considering the quality of its acting, script, cinematography, and other important qualities.


Ebert didn't do this. Instead, he wrote a mindless  rant on how the movie is supposedly "immoral."


First off, newsflash, Mr. Ebert: it's a movie. If you can be offended by pure fantasy such as this, then you're an egotistical moron who's obsessed with upholding a moral code that has essentially become meaningless.


Secondly, there's a certain amount of hypocrisy at work here. Roger Ebert has actually worked on films in the past that could be considered "immoral" in the same way this film is. Also, why doesn't he complain about Tarantino? Tarantino directs all sorts of films with over-the-top violence treated in silly ways.


Is it because "oh, it's a cute little girl, she shouldn't be doing those things?" No. That's a stupid argument. Grown adults shouldn't be doing those things either. By using that argument you're essentially arguing, "well, it's not okay for little girls to kill people, but I have no problem with grown men killing other grown men! Da-derp-da-derpity-dumb."


Jesus Christ, this guy's going senile, I swear to God. He'll trash anything he deems too "immoral" for his pompous tastes and like shit like the Garfield movie just because it's "family friendly."


Fallen Shade
How the *crag* was that even a review, he just rambled on about unrelated shit.
weedlord bonerhitler
ITT you like shitty movies and bitch about a respected reviewer who doesn't like your shitty movie.

Posted by Lord Crump Apr 20 2010 03:38 GMT
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You are all to address "Frozen" as Fludgewidgeon

Fallen Shade
I prefer faggot

Posted by Lord Crump Apr 18 2010 05:05 GMT in The Dump
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This reminds Tingle of the Pirate and Ninja boards wayy back then.

Posted by Lord Crump Apr 17 2010 00:31 GMT
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Or at least get a D in it.



Knowing when to drop a class is a fine art.
Shut up Pi. You and your *crag*ing Canadian math. Long division ins't Calculus.

Posted by Lord Crump Apr 08 2010 21:11 GMT in Serious Bizness
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Now that I have your attention, do you agree or disagree, and why?


Then there would be significantly fewer specialized schools.

If it's not an emergency, you have to wait at least a month to go to a professional. Like I said, 6 months for a cardiologist; to address a heart rummer.