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Lord Crump older than one year ago

to post
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is the most aesthetically significant game of this generation. It's also a solid Devil May Cry-esque action game, too.
posted by Lord Crump May 24 2012 16:27 GMT in El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
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play it; you'll be tripping balls, man

Fallen Shade

Gameplay looks cool, I don't know where these aesthetics you're talking about are at though.

posted by Lord Crump May 23 2012 22:09 GMT
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Fallen Shade
You should explain this in long drawn out paragraphs so I can better understand
lol Magic derp
ign.com posted by Lord Crump May 19 2012 15:23 GMT in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
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"Everything's fixed, but the magic's still missing. What's this magic, you ask? Well, we don't know. It's just, well, magic. MAGIC LOL. We're not paid to actually know what we're talking about and give a detailed analysis of the game; we're not experts! We just give a non-critical summary of the game containing information that anyone playing the game would know about, anyway. So, yeah, this game gets a 6.5 out of 10, for reasons we're not exactly sure why." ~IGN, philistine anti-critics

Lord Crump
Yeah, no detailed analysis at all. Those "reasons" were a lousy attempt at turning what was essentially an extended summary into a review; I am certain they were an afterthought at BEST.
Also "Diablo 3 review-in-progress despite being a single-player non-MMO that could have been beaten 3 times by now with the 'review' being filled with tutorial and unnecessary hype"
More human than human?
posted by Lord Crump May 18 2012 19:25 GMT
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saw this a little bit ago, still twitch when he says " I understand human emotion, I just don't feel it."
Poop. Poop, I say.
posted by Lord Crump May 17 2012 18:34 GMT
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And stinky stink stink. POOP.


Is this your new fetish Crump? http://digibutter.nerr.biz/topics/205664/

franis, you dirty lizard, you
posted by Lord Crump May 17 2012 18:46 GMT
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you've got some splainin to do

Lord Crump

problemo solvedo

how do i haxx website
posted by Lord Crump May 16 2012 15:54 GMT in Hi-Technical Support
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Fallen Shade
I've been through so many of those it isn't even funny :(
I am real!
posted by Lord Crump May 05 2012 22:57 GMT
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I think the real criminal here
is crump
and his fat fetish
Hey Nas, unban me from the chatbox
posted by Lord Crump Apr 28 2012 01:42 GMT
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which is now because DOGS
More Tom and Jerry
posted by Lord Crump Apr 28 2012 01:47 GMT
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why does that exist
posted by Lord Crump Apr 27 2012 04:51 GMT
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Fallen Shade
Why is Nastasia chat mod
posted by Lord Crump Apr 27 2012 04:05 GMT
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More like chat nazi, amirite?

I heard nas eats baby kittens
posted by Lord Crump Apr 23 2012 05:59 GMT
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Lord Crump

You guys should be reading this. It's incredible.

I feel as if I'm a walking contradiction. I'm, politically, a libertarian leftist, but I reject metaphysical libertarianism in favor of hard determinism, with a bit of ethical naturalism sprinkled in.
posted by Lord Crump Apr 18 2012 19:25 GMT
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I guess the best way to explain myself is that an anarchic status is the most efficient and healthiest status for the human superorganism to thrive under.

I agree completely
One of the key traits of sociopathy is the inability to feel love. However, is it not also possible that "love" is a delusion, fabricated by people insecure with their own will-to-power?
posted by Lord Crump Apr 17 2012 23:53 GMT
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If love does not exist, would that mean everyone is a sociopath, rendering the term "sociopath" meaningless, with the only people who are *not* considered sociopaths by mainstream sources being those who have deluded themselves into thinking otherwise?

**Not saying I think love doesn't exist or anything like that, and I'm not making a value judgment on sociopaths; I just want to get a discussion/argument going.

Fallen Shade

Sure, if we're just considering that one key trait and not all other key traits. Though if we're taking subjective matters into account about love then wouldn't that mean any sort of intuitative assumption regarding what one feels love is be a delusion as well?  You'd have to also assume happiness and relationship fullfillment are also a delusion meaning that the only true socipaths would be the ones that see without delusion.

wtf is this shit
posted by Lord Crump Apr 15 2012 14:33 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
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With blood and rage of crimson red,
We fill mens souls with darkest dread,
And twist your minds to pain and hate,
We'll burn you all--That is your fate!  ~Green Lantern: TAS version of the Red Lantern Oath

I'm guessing they didn't want corpses or hell in cartoons.
posted by Lord Crump Apr 15 2012 13:41 GMT in Thundercats
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niggas bout to throw down at dat der royalties
so this is arr pot right; where's all the pot
posted by Lord Crump Mar 22 2012 02:41 GMT in RPOT
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da fuk is dis
Vote Crump for President of Digibutter
posted by Lord Crump Mar 03 2012 19:51 GMT
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My platform consists of:

--Advertising the site and expanding its target audience through aesthetic re-evaluation

--Reimplementing features of Old Digi in new and exciting ways (Collectibles, events, etc.)

--Appointing my as-of-yet-unannounced running mates, Nastasia and Gold Prognosticus, to the position of moderator

My experience consists of:

--Moderator of Old Digi

--President of Old Digi

I do not care if Francis approves this or not; I'm running for President anyway.


The only part I liked about it was the java game, which you should just make instead of saying you will.
Also dim for president just because it would be funny.
Franis 3 Needs Artists
posted by Lord Crump Nov 16 2011 21:33 GMT in Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr
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In order for Franis 3 to happen, I need, to begin with, three sprite sheets: one for Franis Jr. (No one is working on this yet; I need someone to do this for me (The details are specified in the previous Franis 3 thread)), one for Nas (Which is being worked on by Nas, I believe), and one for Flavio (Claus is doing it, if I'm correct).

I also need backgrounds (Think dark, dirty, crowded futuristic mega-city like L.A. in Bladerunner or Midgar in FFVII).

Lord Crump

Good find, Tails; we need as many backgrounds as we can get

It's okay, Nas; just finish them when you have the time and get them to me whenever you can

Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr
posted by Lord Crump Nov 10 2011 04:02 GMT in Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr
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So I've attached some shitty concept art for Franis 3: Revenge of the Anti-Nerr. Basically this is something I'd be willing to code in C# and distribute for you guys to play in my spare time (Like, when I'm not doing school work or more important projects) IF I get an adequate number of assets from you guys (Because I don't really wanna take the time to meticulously craft each and every sprite sheet myself). So if you guys want to contribute some sprite sheets for the characters and enemies and environments and whatnot, that would be great.

Basically Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr follows the adventures of Franis Jr., a "Nerrminator," a special cop tasked with tracking down and pwning "Anti-Nerrs", genetically engineered clones of existing Nerrs used for everything from household chores to ass-slavery, who have rebelled against their masters and are considered extremely dangerous by the police. Franis Jr., during his quest, encounters Nas, a former super secret agent who unknowingly had an Anti-Nerr made of her (One that is among the rebel Anti-Nerrs), and Flavio, a notorious mob boss whose personal Anti-Nerr is leading the rebellious Anti-Nerrs (And possibly more, if you guys provide the sprite sheets). Along the way, Franis Jr. must discover the truth about what happened to his father, who mysteriously vanished five years ago, and wrestle with his own inner dark side. This all takes place in a dark, crowded dystopian cyberpunk future. Franis Jr. wears a trenchcoat and shades, like Neo.

As the shitty concept art suggests, it'll be a sorta weird RPG/Shoot 'em up mish-mash like the rest of the Franis series, but with (hopefully) better sprites as well as platforming segments (The idea is that Franis Jr. can transition between "walking mode" and "flying mode"). So yeah, if any of you would like to start up another site project like this, I'd be willing to code it if you provide the assets.

I do have to complement you on the shading though nas, I'm pretty shitty in that aspect
Holy shit this is amazing.
posted by Lord Crump Feb 26 2011 22:16 GMT in Final Fantasy VII
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The Real Crump Adventures, Episode 2
posted by Lord Crump Feb 25 2011 21:31 GMT in The Dump
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The Real Crump Adventures
posted by Lord Crump Feb 25 2011 18:04 GMT in The Dump
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I think I like loafs better
posted by Lord Crump Feb 24 2011 03:50 GMT in The Dump
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A shitty new webcomic, franis and link
posted by Lord Crump Feb 24 2011 02:52 GMT in The Dump
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nigger lips