Assassin's Creed 4 'Freedom Cry' DLC earns standalone release
Posted by Joystiq Feb 05 2014 17:35 GMT in Ubisoft
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Having proven itself as a downloadable addition to Assassin's Creed 4, the game's Freedom Cry DLC will see a standalone release - though only on Sony's consoles and PC. The standalone Freedom Cry will be released exclusively as a downloadable title on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC. The former two versions of the game are slated to appear on February 18 while the PC incarnation of Freedom Cry will debut on February 25. Each version will feature a $15 price tag and will not require that players already own Assassin's Creed 4.

Freedom Cry stars Adewale, a former slave turned pirate turned assassin, who finds himself shipwrecked on Haiti. As he gathers a ship and crew to return to the sea, Adewale assists the locals in their attempts to escape slavery. Beyond the novel (if short) storyline, Freedom Cry is typical Assassin's Creed fare, full of acrobatic parkour and spectacular instances of stabbing people in the skull. [Image: Ubisoft]

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