Super Street Fighter IV Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN May 25 2010 21:57 GMT
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Super Femme Fatale costume pack gives the ladies some sweet threads.

Posted by Joystiq May 24 2010 16:20 GMT
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If you were looking for a way to make a $150 arcade stick for Super Street Fighter IV seem like a reasonable and sensible expense, here it is: the Super Street Fighter IV HDTV. Roundtable Concepts is introducing a line of LED televisions featuring Super Street Fighter IV logos and imagery on the casing -- as well as a "Street Fighter image" that will "appear on the screen for 8 seconds when you power it on." This is absolutely the TV for people who love Street Fighter to the exclusion of all else, including money and common sense.

The TVs will be available "in the upcoming weeks" in 32", 40", 42", and 46" sizes, for as-yet unannounced prices. The company also produces Marvel-branded TVs, as well as TVs bearing college logos.

[Via Technabob]
Lord Crump
I'm still interested in picking up Super Street Fighter IV; I know it's lower in price than the original, but I'm still probably going to wait until I find a coupon or it comes down in price lower

Posted by IGN May 21 2010 16:53 GMT
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June update fixes a number of gameplay issues.

Posted by Joystiq May 21 2010 17:30 GMT
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According to Andriasang's translation of a post on Capcom's Japanese blog, the developer is planning to roll out a patch for Super Street Fighter IV on June 15 -- the same day as the release of the game's Tournament Mode DLC -- which will remove a few exploits and address some balancing issues players have discovered since the title's launch. For the full list of (highly technical) changes included in the update, just click past the jump.

The patch remedies a few sizable issues, such as the unblockable Ultra exploit -- however, it doesn't return E. Honda's "Thousand-Hand Bitch Slap" maneuver to its original, unbeatable glory. Hopefully that particular fix will come in a later update.

[Via 1UP]

Posted by Kotaku May 19 2010 05:00 GMT
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#superstreetfighteriv Daigo Umehara, fighting game superstar, isn't only tearing up tournaments. He's also kicking ass on Xbox LIVE. Beware! More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 30 2010 08:00 GMT
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#nsfw The objective in Super Strip Fighter IV isn't necessarily simply to beat your enemy. Sometimes, it's something else entirely. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 30 2010 14:57 GMT
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Clearly anticipating a hit in its updated fighter, Capcom has sent out one million copies of Super Street Fighter IV to retailers around the world in the first shipment of the game. The budget-priced title was released in North America and Japan earlier this week and is in stores today in Europe. The next step? Sell all these copies.

Capcom has put all-time shipments of Street Fighter console games at more than 28 million units worldwide, as of March 31, 2010 (so not counting the initial SSFIV shipment). The publisher did not clarify how many of those copies were upgraded re-releases of Street Fighter games.

Posted by IGN Apr 30 2010 16:54 GMT
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Updated fighter off to a strong start at retail.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 27 2010 19:43 GMT
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"I'll poke out your eyes," Cammy sneered menacingly.
Last Friday, Capcom partnered with i am 8-bit to bring Capcom Fight Club to Los Angeles to support this week's launch of Super Street Fighter IV, and we'll never stop being amazed by the number of people who enjoy dressing up in costume for video game launches. Our amazement usually reaches a fever pitch when there's an eerily accurate Dhalsim in the mix. We're surprised The CW hasn't snapped up the rights for this game to bring us Street Fighter: The High School Years.

Unfortunately - and because people don't universally adhere to the number one rule laid down at PAX - i am 8-bit had a ton of equipment stolen ... including all of their footage from the event. But what did survive was their old school Polaroid camera, and this stack of portraits. Check out the exclusive images in the gallery below while trying to contain your excitement over the wonders of spandex.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2010 18:30 GMT
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#review Released to U.S. consoles last year, Street Fighter IV helped to reinvigorate the franchise, if not the entire fighting genre. Now, a little more than a year later, Capcom is at it again, perhaps with less lofty goals. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2010 15:00 GMT
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#captivate2010 Earlier this month we flew ourselves out to Hawaii to soak in half a week's worth of news, hands-on time with games and interview opportunities with Capcom's top developers. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2010 17:32 GMT
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For a series so commonly derided for issuing update after constant update in its prime, the initial release of Street Fighter IV doesn't get enough credit for getting it right the first time - mostly, anyway. After nearly a decade without a direct Street Fighter sequel, Capcom not only delivered what is arguably one of the most finely tuned fighting games of all time, but it single-handedly ushered forth a new era of competitive gaming, amassing a loyal army of fighting fanatics unlike anything seen since the arcade boom of the early '90s.

As the joke goes, with success comes superfluous adjectives and Capcom is never one to disappoint in this regard. A year later the developers have cranked out an update, Super Street Fighter IV, and naturally, skepticism fills the air as it appears as though the new dog has learned an old, money-hungry trick. That's the superficial response at least, because when you take a deeper look at what the new package offers, you'll find a well-oiled fighting machine that's more than worth the budget fee -- and I'm not just talking about Hakan.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 26 2010 10:30 GMT
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#gambling British bookmaker Paddy Power has shown today it knows a fresh cash stream when it sees one, as it will soon begin accepting bets on video games. It also shows it does not keep up with recent video game news. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2010 18:30 GMT
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Capcom's recent promotional get-together for its upcoming renovated fighting game, Super Street Fighter IV, was chock-full of exciting moments for die-hard fans of the series. The pinnacle moment of the "Fight Club" event was, undoubtedly, the final showdown between Street Fighter legends Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong, the entirety of which was captured on video. You don't have to know much about the franchise to appreciate the epicness of this match-up, or to recognize how impossibly radical the final round is.

Unfortunately, one bad apple in the crowd had to try and ruin the whole thing. Jon Gibson, founder of i am 8-bit Productions, is asking for help with locating a ton of video equipment (and documentary footage shot on said equipment) which was stolen during the event. If you have any information about the equipment's whereabouts, he's offering a cash reward -- but we know you guys don't care about that. You care about helping out your fellow man, right?

Posted by Kotaku Apr 24 2010 21:00 GMT
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#reward Footage from the Friday night launch of Super Street Fighter IV was on several pieces of video equipment stolen from I Am 8-Bit, the production company of the renowned video game expo. They're offering a reward for its return. More »

Posted by IGN Apr 24 2010 19:11 GMT
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While everybody was kung-fu fighting, someone was kung-fu stealing.

Posted by IGN Apr 23 2010 22:39 GMT
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Excellent expansion or unnecessary update?

Posted by Kotaku Apr 23 2010 16:00 GMT
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#captivate2010 Earlier this month Capcom did an about face, declaring that despite initial intentions, upcoming fighter Super Street Fighter IV would indeed get an arcade release in Japan. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 22 2010 21:00 GMT
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#screengrab Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono tells Kotaku he takes mini-Blanka with him whenever he travels, snapping pics of the plastic pugilist everywhere he goes. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2010 18:20 GMT
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#captivate10 More avatar costumes are in bound from Capcom in the form of Super Street Fighter IV packs for the digital people living on Xbox Live. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2010 17:00 GMT
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#captivate10 Super Street Fighter IV will include robust online tournament support, allowing anyone with a copy of the game to host their own, tiered online tournaments. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2010 17:30 GMT
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Download in HD from Big DownloadCapcom's been pretty vocal about the changes made to Super Street Fighter IV compared to last year's edition. We've seen a plethora of new characters, read about tweaks to existing characters and have been given a small taste of what's to come from the revamped online system. In the case of that last item, the above video goes into a lot more detail than we've been privy to before -- including Tournament mode, a free DLC extra that will let players throw down "with the top players from around the world" on June 15, 2010.

In addition, Xbox Live users will be able to dress up their Avatars in slick Street Fighter outfits. Doing so in the privacy of your own dashboard is just one of the acceptable ways in which to show your love for Chun-Li's kick-ass clothing.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 20 2010 15:20 GMT
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#captivate2010 While Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 was certainly the biggest news to come out of last week's Capcom-centric game gathering, it was by no means the only news. More »

Posted by IGN Apr 20 2010 15:00 GMT
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Finally a more structured way to prove you're indestructible.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 13 2010 12:30 GMT
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#tragedy Chris Hu, a member of fighting game forum, lost everything in fire in New York's Chinatown. Hu and his family are now homeless, and is doing what it can to help. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 12 2010 17:00 GMT
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#captivate2010 Each year Capcom hosts a big event to show off their year's worth of games, bringing together international game writers, their developers a few lucky fans. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 09 2010 23:40 GMT
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#sequels The Street Fighter franchise has a reputation for tacking on inscrutable modifiers like Alpha, Super, Tournament, EX, Zero, etc. in lieu of full sequels. The game's producer says Super Street Fighter IV is as far as it goes for this generation. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 10 2010 00:30 GMT
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If your overactive imagination is already calling up fantasies of the next, next iteration of Street Fighter IV, you should reign that in right now. Producer Yoshinori Ono told Official Xbox Magazine (via CVG) he's "aware of the mistakes Capcom has made in the past" in relation to the numerous special editions past Street Fighter installments have received. He added, "Super Street Fighter IV should be the distinctive end" of the franchise's fourth chapter.

Capcom's not abandoning the title, though -- Ono said the company could ostensibly "upload a patch for Super Street Fighter IV 2011 edition that would have tuning and balancing." But as far as ever seeing Hyper Ultra Super Street Fighter 4: Turbo Tournament Edition EX: The New Challengers hit store shelves, Ono claims that "as a packaged product, I think this is the last."

Posted by Kotaku Apr 07 2010 21:20 GMT
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#rumor Word of a new Marvel Vs. Capcom game could be heading our way in the coming months if rumors from website Team Spooky can be believed. More »