Bastion Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 07 2011 11:26 GMT
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Every single damn week, I can’t remember if it’s called ‘Byte vs Brick’ or ‘Brick vs Byte.’ My failing memory terrifies me. Though my girlfriend is vaguely appreciative of it, as it allows her to tell me the same anecdotes repeatedly with me having no clue I’ve heard them before. At least, she claims she’s my girlfriend; I can’t rightly recall if that’s the case or not. There’s just this person in my house who tells me to do the washing up and feed the cat, and it seems to prudent to play along and hope my memory kicks in at some point. And why are all these words tattooed on my torso?

Anyway: Brick vs Byte, our weekly, unscientific look at how the top 10 best-selling games on Steam compare to the top 10 at UK retail. What mysyteries will be revealed? Will Battlefield 3 still be king of the hill? And who the hell are you people? What’s going on? Where are my trousers?(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Nov 01 2011 05:00 GMT
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#video Charming RPG Bastion had some gorgeous visuals, yeah, but it's going to be remembered more for its novel use of narration than anything else. More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 14 2011 23:30 GMT
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When planning a fun way to celebrate the fall season, we believe the early settlers tried a variety of creative, yet failed, traditions:
  • Asparagus-eating contests
  • The entire town acting out Hamlet at the same time, with their own grandfathers' skulls playing the part of Yorick
  • Jumping off a 60-foot cliff into a pile of dead leaves
  • Grave-robbing (that one stuck, but it became year-round and highly lucrative in a non-spiritual way)
  • Eggplant, leek, corn and lentil carving
Most of these died out with the maypole, but that last one may have led us to the modern fascination with pumpkin carving, which has now led us to these beautiful video-game-inspired pumpkins from ceemdee. This year's pumpkins feature Bastion, Doom 2, The Dig, Worms, Oregon Trail, Outlaws and Magicka. Apparently ceemdee has been doing this since 2009, and the squashy backlog is just as impressive.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 05 2011 15:11 GMT
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Artful dungeon-crawler Bastion charmed us with its strange world, solid combat mechanics, and elegant narration. John loved it. It even inspired Alec to a big old cleverthink. I decided to have a chat with Greg Kasavin, creative director and writer on the project, to find out a bit more about how Bastion came to be, and what the future holds.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 22 2011 20:08 GMT
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When things go sideways on Metacritic, developers don't have many options for appeal.

Supergiant Games and Signal Studios were in awkward positions earlier this month, after the average user review score for each game plummeted overnight and seemingly without justification.

It was unclear who was responsible for the sudden change, and there are limited tools for those affected that don't come across as...weird.

The developers of Bastion and Toy Soldiers: Cold War asked fans to submit reviews to Metacritic, which resulted in a slight bump for each but an average score ultimately much lower than it was previously.

After speaking to Supergiant and Signal, I ran a story earlier this week about the challenges the studios faced in addressing these issues.

Metacritic has since identified the users responsible, both banning the users themselves and removing their scores putting things out of balance.

The users were targeting certain games, and hitting them with zero scores without a written review, raising eyebrows.

"A publisher of a different game let us know that he noticed that his game had been 'bombed' by a bunch of zero ratings in an unusually short period of time," said Metacritic co-founder Marc Doyle in an email to me today. "While investigating those ratings, we noticed a group of user accounts and activities that were clearly illegitimate and violated our terms of use."

Doyle's team found a group of users had been coordinating similar attacks on other games within Metacritic's database, allowing Metacritic to fix the "bombings" that had been targeted at other games.

Metacritic is often used to determine royalty and bonus payouts for developers, though its exact use varies from publisher to publisher. I've never heard of a publisher leveraging user reviews as a metric for payment because of situations like this, but especially for small studios, perception is king, which is why user reviews remain very important.

Signal Studios president and creative director Douglas Robert Albright III had proposed a fix to the problem.

"The way to fix Metacritic user reviews is to simply require a written review and verify user accounts," he said. "If it was just some random blog I'd say whatever. But this is a major news review aggregator that should have better oversight and some standards."

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 14 2011 19:37 GMT
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Supergiant’s sombre action-RPG was released on PC a few backs; John has already told you what he thinks of it, but in the last few days I’ve been exploring its shattered world for myself. It’s put me in a funny place. Spoilers of a sort await, so don’t read this unless you’ve played the game, don’t intend to, or don’t give a toss about narrative events in a hack and slash game.

I was sad when it ended. Forlorn, even. For me, that isn’t a regular state of affairs. Even with games I love, I’m oddly grateful when they wrap up – there’s a sense of accomplishment to it, and a relief that they didn’t string things out too long or defeat my sense of goodwill with a BioShock-boss or one too many achingly earnest cutscenes. Bastion, though: a true wave of sadness hit me as the credits rolled.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Sep 04 2011 17:00 GMT
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#bastion The widely acclaimed action RPG Bastion will not be getting any DLC—at least DLC that extends the story—the game's developer said in an interview. More »
This title is misleading.

Posted by Valve Sep 02 2011 17:10 GMT
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Supergiant Games has released a new update for Bastion, addressing several issues reported by players and adding compatibility for other foreign-language translations. This update will be applied automatically when players restart their Steam client. The change list includes:
  • Fixed an issue that caused Secret Skills to sometimes become unselectable after successive play-throughs of the game.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Man-at-Arms achievement not to unlock when expected.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause weapon upgrades of the same tier to both become selected in the Forge.
  • Fixed an issue causing Bastion.exe to not exit cleanly as intended.
  • Added custom language support for alphabets based on Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic, in support of requests for player-created text translations to other languages. To add a custom language to the game, follow these steps:
    • Determine the two-letter language code according to ISO 639-1

      List of ISO 639-1 codes

      e.g. Portuguese = pt, Russian = ru, Polish = pl

      The following example is for creating a Russian (ru) translation.
    • Navigate to Steam\steamapps\common\bastion\Content\Game\Text, and make a copy of HelpText.en.xml called
    • Translate the text in from English to Russian. At the top of the file, make sure the line reads:
    • Create a folder in Steam\steamapps\common\bastion\Content\Subtitles\ru
    • Copy over the files in Steam\steamapps\common\bastion\Content\Subtitles\en, and translate them.
    • Launch the game with '-lang ru' Launch Options

      (for Launch option instructions: click here)
For more information on Bastion technical support, visit the support FAQ topic in the Steam forum.

Posted by Valve Aug 24 2011 20:34 GMT
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We've posted a new update for Bastion, which addresses several issues reported by players and adds several new achievements. This update will be applied automatically when players restart their Steam client. The change list includes:

  • Fixed a rare issue in Who Knows Where sequences, in which foes could get knocked so far out of range that they would ignore the player and not return to the combat area.
  • Fixed several more crash bugs based on user-submitted reports. Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to send crash logs.
  • Added seven new Steam Achievements! They are:
    • Man-at-Arms

      Use the Forge to fully upgrade every weapon.

    • Whatever's Out There

      Complete the Kid's Dream with five or more Shrine Idols invoked.

    • Just Like That

      Complete the Kid's Dream with all ten Shrine Idols invoked.

    • Lock Yourself In

      Complete the Singer's Dream with five or more Shrine Idols invoked.

    • Calamity All Around

      Complete the Singer's Dream with all ten Shrine Idols invoked.

    • A Lasting Peace

      Complete the Survivor's Dream with five or more Shrine Idols invoked.

    • Ashes in the Sky

      Complete the Survivor's Dream with all ten Shrine Idols invoked.

      Note: These achievements will not be awarded retroactively to players who met the requirements before this update. Man-at-Arms will be awarded when entering a fully upgraded Forge.
For more information on Bastion technical support, visit the FAQ topic in the Steam forum.

Posted by IGN Aug 22 2011 23:14 GMT
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Bastion is one of the best downloadable games this year, but I didn't believe it right away. From the first time I saw it, I knew that the game was witty -- as evident from the narrator who literally narrates just about everything you do as you do it -- but Bastion was still just an action role-playing game. I moved through an area with my two weapons, shield, and special attack. No big deal. However, then Bastion started revealing itself to me, and I couldn't stop playing...

Posted by Valve Aug 22 2011 19:43 GMT
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  • Fixes to several possible crash issues based on user-submitted reports. Thanks again to everyone who's taken the time to send crash logs.
  • Fix to typographical error in the Memorial Vigil, "The Skippers".

Posted by Valve Aug 19 2011 18:32 GMT
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  • Updated the default "Slinger-style" WASD controls to make the character move relative to the isometric perspective.
    Note: In the previous update, this required using a commandline parameter "-isomovement", which is no longer necessary. To restore the original setting, use the new commandline parameter "-orthomovement".
  • In-game menus now respond to right-clicking as well as left-clicking.
  • Added support for resolutions greater than 1920x1080, at which visual issues with the background visuals could occur.
  • Fixed several issues that were causing the game to crash for some players.
  • Fixed an issue in Burstone Quarry that could cause players to get locked out of the level's final area.
  • Fixed an issue in Mt. Zand that could cause players to get locked out of the level's final area.
  • Fixed an issue in Zulten's Hollow that caused the level's weapon pickup animation not to play.
  • Fixed an issue in the Bullhead Trial where the text stated that the Gold Prize requirement involved completing the trial having taken less than two hits instead of three.
  • Fixed an issue causing the opening splash screens to overlap when running the game using the "-nofixedstep" commandline parameter, which unlocks the frame rate.
  • Fixed a rare issue where weapon slots at the Arsenal could become unselectable.
For more information on Bastion technical support, visit the FAQ topic in the Steam forum.

Posted by Valve Aug 17 2011 16:42 GMT
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An update to Bastion has been released, addressing several issues reported by players. This update will be applied automatically when players restart their Steam client. The change list includes:
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to display unsupported resolution settings in certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on a free-floating tile in the The Singer's Dream sequence
  • Fixed an issue where the game was not loading custom-mapped mouse control settings
For more information on Bastion technical support, visit the FAQ topic in the Steam forum

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 17 2011 12:28 GMT
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Action RPG Bastion was released on Steam yesterday. I’ve been weaving my way through its enchantingly morose worlds, and although still a good way from the end, I am absolutely ready to tell you Wot I Think.


Posted by Valve Aug 16 2011 20:15 GMT
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An initial update to Bastion has been released. This update will be applied automatically when players restart their Steam client. The change list includes:
  • Fixed an issue where certain SteamIDs were causing a leaderboard crash due to unrecognized alphanumeric characters
  • Fixed an issue where pick boxes on the Skyway screen were too small at the lowest resolution settings
  • Fixed an issue where the How to Play menu could crash when accessing it using a gamepad
For more information on Bastion technical support, visit this topic in the Steam Forum.

Posted by IGN Aug 16 2011 18:31 GMT
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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Supergiant Games are pleased to announce that Bastion, the award-winning indie action RPG recently released on Xbox LIVE Arcade, is now available for PC. Offering high-resolution graphics and an all-new PC control scheme, the game can be purchased on Steam ...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 16 2011 16:19 GMT
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Released today is Supergiant Games’ gorgeous looking action-RPG, Bastion. It’s available to purchase from Steam at a price of £11.49/€13.99/$14.99, and you can take a poke at the launch trailer here. Despite being temporarily wrapped up in a web of Xbox exclusivity, Bastion has always been PC bound. As you can see if you compare PC screenshots to Xbox screenshots, the PC version has access to far higher quality assets for those of you with grown-up sized monitors. There is a demo available and you can read Jim’s hands on impressions here.

Check back tomorrow for a full review.

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 05 2011 23:00 GMT
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The Kid won't be constrained to a single platform.

Supergiant Games is wasting no time in bringing Bastion to the PC, with the awfully rad action game leaving the confines of the Xbox 360 on August 16. You can already pre-order the game on Steam!

It will eventually appear on other digital platforms, but Bastion's coming to Steam first.

Just like Xbox Live Arcade, playing Bastion will cost you $14.99, and the Steam version also comes with Steamworks support for cloud saves, achievements and leaderboards. Oh, and it's DRM free!

If that's enough, the game's wonderful soundtrack has also gone online via Bandcamp. The digital version is available for $9.99, but starting in September, you can buy the album on a real-life disc!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 05 2011 15:37 GMT
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If the Steam page is to be believed then SuperGiant’s esoteric dungeon-crawler is set to arrive on 16th of August. I am honestly expecting this to be one of the games of the year: it’s a beautiful blend of compelling, click hack ‘n’ slash action with artful indie sensibility. What the screens and talk of whacking monsters doesn’t quite get across is how exquisitely the world is delivered as it drops into place ahead of you, a process that is oddly dreamlike, especially when framed against the hard-boiled, wise-cracking voiceover. Anyway, I am sure we’ll ramble about this extensively when it arrives on our Windows boxes.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 05 2011 02:30 GMT
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#skyrim It's a safe bet that Bethesda's upcoming RPG Skyrim will offer enough hours of gameplay to merit its $60 price tag. However, while speaking to PSM3, Skyrim director Todd Howard shared his belief that while his game will be worth every penny, many other games are not. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 28 2011 21:00 GMT
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The Kid had seen merchandise before, but it paled in comparison to the handmade Squirt plush doll sitting before him. He asked the lady how much, but she told him it wasn't for sale. It was the worst news he'd heard since the Calamity struck.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 21 2011 23:00 GMT
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Maw? Maaaawwww? Where is that little purple guy? Oh, there he is -- as part of a free Summer of Arcade promotion on the Microsoft Store. Those who pick up a copy of Bastion via the Microsoft Store will also receive a free copy of Twisted Pixel's adorable adventure, The Maw. As we mentioned only a few words ago, The Maw is positively adorable and a decent game to boot, making this an attractive deal for those interested in Bastion.

Strangely, the site notes that the deal applies to "any" Summer of Arcade purchase, though a footnote claims that the deal is valid solely for Bastion. Considering Bastion is currently the only Summer of Arcade title available, it's possible that the deal will be applied to the rest of the Summer of Arcade lineup as each title is released.

Posted by IGN Jul 20 2011 13:10 GMT
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Bastion, the first title in this year's Summer of Arcade line-up, releases today and we are rather enamoured with it. A gorgeous and deceptively deep action-RPG with an artistic direction that stands out even at the creative vanguard that is downloadable gaming, it's a wonderful opener for Xbox Live Arcade's summer promotion. The week before release, we asked Supergiant's eloquent and interesting Greg Kasavin where it came from, and how independent development is working out...

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 20 2011 00:38 GMT
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Jeff and Brad decide to sidestep Bastion's story and instead focus on breaking some windbag skulls.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 19 2011 15:00 GMT
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If Bastion had been made by hundreds of people instead of just a handful, it would have started with a big-huge bang. The city of Caelondia would go from an everyday murmur to a cacophony of toppling buildings and panicked, immolated citizens while a tutorial told you to quickly crouch here, jump there and look at all this stuff we spent 10 million dollars on. The land would shake itself to rubble, the screen would blur and black out, and the logo would appear alongside a crass, Hans Zimmer honk.


This version starts with you getting out of bed. All you know is that a calamity has wrecked the world -- and that you must be a heavy sleeper. A warm, attentive narrator identifies you as "The Kid," a character so central to the story that the world literally reforms beneath his feet, step-by-step. For reasons that I'll leave you to discover for yourself, The Kid and a handful of other apocalypse survivors are drawn to The Bastion, a floating island that may offer safety, answers, and perhaps a roll of duct tape large enough to put the world back together.

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 19 2011 14:00 GMT
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Is Bastion a safe haven of fun? Fill the void with our official Bastion review pod!

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 19 2011 14:00 GMT
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The first time I saw Bastion was back in our old office in Sausalito. Greg Kasavin came by and wanted to show me a quick glimpse of a project he was working on with some of the guys he spent time with back at EALA. It was a curious little thing that immediately stood out because of its audio. Even when coming out of a tinny little laptop speaker, hearing the narrator tell his tale while also reacting to the things I was doing on-screen felt different. At times, it felt like magic. The game itself seemed reasonably cool, too. The blocks rose up from the bottom of the screen in a really neat way, forming the pathways that The Kid ran along as he grabbed a glowing stone of some kind and made his way to the relative safety of the Bastion. Weirdly enough, that was the only sequence I played for around a year or so, but that bit--the beginning of the game, which will be the demo portion of this week's Xbox Live Arcade release--was enough to make me a believer in the project. Well, that and some discussion about where the game was going from there.

I think, over the course of development, I probably played that intro sequence three or four times, seeing bits and pieces of it improve around the edges, but the core of it was still the same impressive piece that it was when I first put my hands on it. The funny thing is that even after talking to almost everyone that's worked on the game and being a part of the recurring Building the Bastion series that we produced to chronicle what it's like to strike out on your own as an independent game developer, I still didn't know what to expect from the final game. All of the bits and pieces we had seen looked cool, and from seeing the beginning of the game, I knew the main idea was sound, but I guess I hadn't really put much thought into how it was all going to come together. In a way, some of us had become way too close to it. I sort of set the whole thing up with Greg originally. Vinny went through all of the footage and cut together the clips used on the show. Ryan hosted the show and asked them a ton of questions. Brad, wisely, hung back a bit. I think he probably had the purest experience of us all. Unsurprisingly, I think he's probably the game's biggest fan. As of this writing, he's the top guy on all four of its leaderboards.

Either way, none of that really matters that much. As soon as we went ahead with Building the Bastion, I knew we'd end up seeing too much of that game and that running an actual, scored review would be right out of the question. Rather than hem and haw about that end of the coverage, I said up front that we wouldn't review the game. And I'll say again, right here, that I recommend you seek out various reviews on the topic before making a purchasing decision rather than just taking what I'm saying here on faith. Better safe than sorry, right?

That said, we talk about the various aspects of the game on this week's podcast, and I recommend you check that out when it runs later today. The short version, however, is that I'm pretty blown away by how enjoyable Bastion is. The team makes good on that core concept--the narration that's powered by your on-screen actions while simultaneously telling you everything you need to know about the world--in ways I'd never even thought of. It builds up its own conventions and then breaks them in inventive ways. It provides an arsenal of exciting weapons that are as fun to upgrade as they are to use in a combat system that rewards skillful play. The story is surprisingly emotional, taking some exciting turns during the back third that made me want to finish it not once but twice. On top of that, it looks great the entire time. Ryan was the one that pointed out that, over the course of seeing all the pieces of Bastion as just pieces, it became easy to lose sight of the "simple" stuff, like the way that ground rises up from the bottom of the screen and forms the pathways you'll take from one area to the next.

I'll refrain from going into too much detail. After all, we said we weren't going to review the game. But if you'll allow me one more recommendation... grab the demo and see it for yourself. Anyway, here are links to the show, in case you want to see what went on during the game's development.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 19 2011 07:58 GMT
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Awesome-looking (and even better sounding) esoteric action-RPG Bastion has arrived on the console boxes this week, but should also making its way to PC soon. Supergiant told us that the PC version has no set release date yet and explained: “We’re still sorting out the controls and making a few other changes to make sure the PC version feels like a proper PC game.”

You can check out the trailer below, and read my hands-on impressions of the PC version of the game.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Jul 15 2011 23:00 GMT
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Bastion's hero smashes a couple of logs with such ferocity in this launch trailer, we couldn't help but draw attention to it (not to mention our ability to conjure up eye-rolling headlines).

Writer and designer Greg Kasavin describes the creative process behind the video in sincere detail on the Supergiant Games site. While footage of the vividly drawn action-RPG would have sufficed, the small development team created original art, music, writing and narration specifically for today's presentation. "We iterate until the level of our nitpicking makes us want to kill each other or ourselves, which is when we know we're done," writes Kasavin.

Bastion launches this Wednesday, July 20, on Xbox Live Arcade as part of Microsoft's Summer of Arcade promotion.