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Posted by Popple Oct 12 2012 20:32 GMT
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Fallen Shade

Posted by Popple Oct 09 2012 12:51 GMT
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Fallen Shade


also I meant more in the sense of how it's handled in fallout 2 and 3, where you character is less an idiot and more a lobotomized big punchy guy

Posted by Popple Oct 06 2012 09:54 GMT
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This is what all true warriors strive for

welcome to the land of MORROWWIND

Posted by Popple Oct 01 2012 19:44 GMT
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Fallen Shade
why should I be excited about this again?

Posted by Popple Oct 01 2012 06:46 GMT
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Fallen Shade
well alright then
it looks complicated im scared ):

Posted by Popple Sep 25 2012 17:06 GMT
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haha, that's pretty cool
also holy shit popple is posting again what

Posted by Popple Mar 30 2012 16:01 GMT
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Decided to run 3.5 since I have all the books and it has more content and shit. We can change to 4e if enough people want, but I figure most of you don't care enough.

In general terms 3.5e = more content

4e = better combat

Honestly I think you guys would enjoy 4e more as players, so if you want me to switch to it I'm okay with that. Really my problems with 3.5's combat begin and end with melee classes. 3.5e Warriors and Barbarians kind of get the short stick as they're pretty much just hitting things with other things. 4e introduced skills very similar to a Wizard's spells for melee classes, and in general abilities are a lot easier to manage and it has a lot more of an FF Tactics vibe. It has its down sides, but overall I think it is a better system, especially for new players.

Just tell me soon so I can start porting things over. It won't be too difficult but I'd like to know which edition we are doing before I starting building anything in depth.

Also if you can't make time to play at least every other Friday or Saturday don't sign up, if you don't show up I will kill your character and replace him with a homonculous and I will not feel bad.

As far as characters go you can build pretty much whatever you want. I would say it is generic setting but that isn't entirely true as I'm pretty much just using the books to build my own lore. If you want to be a certain race just make the sheet and I will try to fit it in, if you can't find a applicable entry in it in the monster manual try to find at least a close approximation preferably with PC stats.

For instance a Mimic PC could concievably build off of an Animated Object or maybe even a Warforged with some changes.

So yeah, character sheets activate. Looking for at least 4 players, max 6. Might be able to do it with one more or less but we'll see how it goes.

As I said before, I have no problems playing either edition

Posted by Popple Apr 10 2010 23:12 GMT
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I wasn't able to get Pokemon together for this week, but Megas was able to make it to the part and I threw in an extra surprise to make up for the lack of Pokemans (Read: Eat up the time slot). The rest of our new schedule is in order though, so I'll be putting up another feedback topic after the show to get some commentary on how it went ya?


The Boondocks - The Block is Hot
The Boondocks
- The Itus
Megas XLR
- Test Drive
Time Trotters - Razor Blade Sharp, Son
Dragon Ball Z - Goku's Unusual Journey

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Gasser Up! I'm Ready to Drive!
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Protect the Environment...Something Stinks in Here!
FLCL- Marquis de Carabas
Paranoia Agent - Double Lips
Samurai Champloo - Hell Hounds for Hire (Pt. 2)
Cowboy Bebop - Gateway Shuffle
Gigantor - Struggle at the South Pole

Join us won't you?

Never heard of time trotters. I am still pleased with this.

Posted by Popple Jun 24 2011 02:59 GMT
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Now that TF2 is free to play it is very possible that we are going to see a major influx of new players in the coming weeks. That being the case, I think it is likely that keeping a full server will become much easier soon, which may be warrant enough for me to take another crack at hosting a Digibutter TF2 server.

This woudl be a server that is customized to what you guys what, that means I need suggestions for maps, mods, and player limit. Player limit is going to be most important because if you guys want some kind of crazy 32 man server I'm not going to be able to pay for it myself.

Of course, all veteran Digi member would get priority access along with any donators we happen to pick up if the server would go down that route, though ideally I'd like to just pay for it myself and keep it at that.

So yeah, discuss.

do it

can i play?

Posted by Popple Jun 28 2012 09:02 GMT
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Fallen Shade

Well thats one neat non-bullshit thing about this launcher

Fallen Shade
That was already possible before this really
Posted by Popple Jun 24 2012 07:53 GMT
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Posted by Popple Apr 02 2012 08:19 GMT
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Posted by Popple Apr 01 2012 17:54 GMT
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Gold Prognosticus
Unfortunately the UK Cartoon Network is on a different schedule to the US variant, no sign of this over here.
oh wow someone uploaded all the promos to youtube

Posted by Popple Dec 14 2011 18:52 GMT
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Not bad. Much better than the NES lineup.
Gold Prognosticus
The SpotPass notification came through on my 3DS last night. Looks like I'm getting more free games tomorrow.

Posted by Popple Feb 23 2011 02:08 GMT
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i still don't get the ending
wut duh fuk

Posted by Popple Nov 06 2011 17:49 GMT
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Let's all be Batman together.

Download game, wait 7 days for install, pick hero , pick Batman, friend Popple.

Okay go.

*crag*, I just got it for the PC. Oh well, you guys would probably feel more comfortable in the ps3 version.
weedlord bonerhitler
signed up i'm ladyjesus

Posted by Popple Oct 16 2011 09:34 GMT
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that was pretty amazing

this is why video music should not have lyrics


Posted by Popple Oct 06 2011 07:24 GMT
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what just happened
Natasha did a lot of the character design for Adventure Time.
Also it is the people what did Adventure Time.

Posted by Popple Oct 05 2011 16:45 GMT
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50% of those games are not ps3 exclusives
That was amazing.

Posted by Popple Oct 04 2011 04:11 GMT
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So I'm actively working on three different game projects righht now. One is going to be in flash, one in source, and the last one I'd like to do in source but I'd probably need to go find some dudes to help with it.

But that isn't the point, I'm making this topic to pitch an idea because you *crag*ers play games so you should know enough to know whether or not this appeals to you.

Basically it is a first person adventure game that takes place on a cruise ship. Your character starts off in the hull in conversation with another man, most probably the both work on the ship as engineers i'm still ironing out the basic plot, when the ship is breached and water starts flooding in.

That's boring though *crag* that, here is the interesting part.

It is at this point that everything freezes in place, as if life just pauses. But you can still move around. You can then set off to explore the ship and basically what you see in nearly every room are people who are about to be completely destroyed by torrents of water as the ship has begun to sink. You see these living corpses frozen in time, completely oblivious as to what is about to happen to them as soon as this mysterious hold over reality breaks.

The player is free to do as they please at this point. They can try to rescue these people from the fate, you can find a means of escape, you can try to determine what is causing these events, or all of the above.

Eventually what you discover is that your character has the ability to manipulte time is small pockets. The best example of how this would work is that the player would be able to touch someone's face to speak tot hem, but he wouldn't be able to move their entire body, or if he did it would disrupt the area so much as to cause whatever catastrophy is about to befall them to occur anyway.

It's still something I'm hammering out the mechanics on, I'll probably try to get a script written up before I'd actually try to do anything serious with it. I was mostly just completely in love with the idea of seeing people frozen right before their deaths, or how startling it would be to see a moving body after being isolated in completely stillness for so long.

If it doesn't sound great that's fine, the image in my head seemed so great at the time that I'm more than a little biased. I have a dozen other ideas that I could flesh out if this falls though, this is just the one that I'd like to do more with the most right now.

It has potential

I would play it. It sounds neat.

Posted by Popple Oct 04 2011 18:01 GMT
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waiting for it to be added to the PlayStation Store sometime today

Posted by Popple Sep 17 2011 17:29 GMT
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I need two other mother *crag*ers to try and take down all the demon's souls with, all you need to do is take down the first boss to get your coop stones and then post your PSN ID here.

I'd like to try a run at Tower Knight and maybe some other levels tonight, but whatever we'll figure it out.

Posted by Popple Sep 14 2011 13:28 GMT
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Jesus *crag* what is this beauty.

We want Morde to play aggressively
So we're nerfing his aggressive game

Posted by Popple Sep 08 2011 21:13 GMT
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Posted by Popple Sep 05 2011 07:48 GMT
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It literally took me like 15 minutes to get this thing loaded with PSP isos and SNES roms.

This is ridiculously easy.

Fallen Shade
Will consider
Gold Prognosticus
I have a grand total of £15 at the moment, so I'm gonna have to do some saving before I can think about buying anything.

Posted by Popple Sep 02 2011 21:13 GMT
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most anticipated game since Holocaust Tycoon
I'd buy it

Posted by Popple Sep 01 2011 03:30 GMT
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Balloon Fight, Zelda 1 & 2, Metroid, Mario Bros., and Ice Climbers are the only games worth anything, but that's still six great games for free, and the only time they have been portable outside of those completely *crag*ing horrible NES rereleases on GBA.

And Balloon Fight and Ice Climbers were on E-Reader cards.

And Metroid was in Zero Mission.

And Mario Bros. Deluxe was really *crag*ing cool, but that isn't the point.

The point is shut the *crag* up and enjoy your free video games.

I really wish DKC2 Advanced was one of the GBA titles
that would be the icing on the ambassador cake
After playing all of these I'm going to say Mario Bros. and Balloon Fight are the only ones that still hold up.

Posted by Popple Aug 31 2011 09:45 GMT
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What will they do when they both go into Death Defied?