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Hotline Miami 2
posted by Mega-Sandy Apr 08 2014 23:09 GMT
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Fallen Shade
when the *crag* is this coming out I've been waiting over a year for this shit
Has anyone taken Organic or Biological Chemistry? And if so do you have a textbook you'd recommend?
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 02 2014 01:39 GMT
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or any other kind of chemistry too i guess, but most specifically those two.

weedlord bonerhitler
There is something absolutely amazing about falling down, ramming your anal sphincter into a hard mass of this earth. The resultant bruise and pain is worse than forced anal. One has to rise to the occasion an try to maintain composure? Mainly as it hurts so bad to sit on your ass? It is like being kicked in the butthole with a boot.. if that boot had a chopstick on the end. Targeted precise pain direct to the location of truth and understanding.
When you find that you have done this level of damage you instantly fear pooping. It becomes a excruciating act lest not forget farting too hard will blow blood mist if you break the protective barrier your body seals for repairs. Take comfort in knowing the water is bright red knowing it is less likely to die by rectum. Wiping turns to a act of brutality to be confined to the most heinous torture methods of unnamed government rendering. Throb Throb Throb it says.. Painfully not letting you sleep, not letting you shit, not letting you die.. As April 15 approaches you must pay taxes... It is truly true that taxes take the highest form of compassion in this situation.
This is not your normal gym roid rage, wish me luck! I promise this is 100% serious and lame as can be... I likely should not have rode my bicycle 160 miles while trying to heal. Houston please advise before my oring blows out and kills this mission.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 08 2014 01:33 GMT
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weedlord bonerhitler

Why didn't you finish that novel?
posted by Popple Apr 07 2014 11:55 GMT
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weedlord bonerhitler

there there

hey you green guy I have somthin to ask why are you obsesed with butter flies you idiot
posted by awesome Apr 06 2014 19:05 GMT
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He's actually obsessed with moths, which are symbolic with death in Japanese culture. In addition he has four talons on his claws, 4 is synonymous with death in Japan as well.
By the way, Terranigma is the most challenging game I've ever played. "You haven't lived until you've played it!"
posted by TeleportPass Apr 06 2014 01:03 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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looking at the screenshot it's obviously terraria, you obviously don't know anything.
Amazon Fire TV games work with other Bluetooth controllers posted by Joystiq Apr 02 2014 20:30 GMT in Gaming News
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Amazon just revealed its $99 Fire TV game and video streaming device today, and unveiled a $40 Bluetooth game pad to go along with it. As it turns out, developers appear to have the option to make their Amazon Fire TV games compatible with other controllers.

"I don't have the full data set, if any is the right term. Generally speaking, it's a Bluetooth controller," Mike Frazzini, VP of Amazon Games told Engadget today when asked about the Fire TV's controller support. "And the same thing vice-versa. Third-party controllers can work on Fire TV as well."

According to a mandatory configuration file for all Amazon Fire TV game developers listed on Amazon's site, developers must note if the app "supports a game controller, either the Amazon Fire game controller or a Bluetooth game controller from another manufacturer." While Amazon doesn't confirm official Fire TV support with the game pads, other Bluetooth controllers like Nintendo's Wii Remote and Sony's DualShock 4 could feasibly work with some games if developers so choose.

Likewise, while the Amazon Fire TV supports up to seven Bluetooth game controllers simultaneously, software development kit documentation notes that "only four of those controllers are assigned to player numbers." This seemingly caps local multiplayer gaming on Amazon Fire TV at four players at a given moment, which may not be an issue since gaming is more or less a "bonus" for the streaming device.

I thought so to, but the samples with the sdk add-on do not come with controllers.json. Maybe amazon has decided the file isn't needed. Supporting any  an all blutooth controllers is the best way anyways. I'm wondering what the original web page said.

Smash Bros Pic of the Day thread
posted by Doopliss Nov 02 2013 08:03 GMT in Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
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Looks like donkey kong's signature taunt can now be used to conjure the flames of hell to wreak total and utter destruction on the battlefield

IGN hyping up Mario Kart 8 news tonight posted by GoNintendo Apr 03 2014 03:38 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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UPDATE - Definitely Mario Kart 8...

“@IGN: If you're a Nintendo fan, you should probably stay up tonight.” It's Mario Kart 8 guys. Call off the hounds.

— Jose Otero (@jose_otero) April 3, 2014

As far as we know, this tweet is related to Mario Kart 8 information. We've known for a few days now that a new blast of info is coming out this week. That's my guess for tonight. I'm doing my best to try and control the expectations!
Google's Early April Fools' Joke: Hiring 'Pokémon Masters' posted by Kotaku Mar 31 2014 17:28 GMT in Gaming News
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It's March 31st, and already the April Fools' pranks are flooding in. One of the first? Google is hiring Pokémon masters.Read more...

Fallen Shade
Try x/y
Picture a game contained on a portable storage device such as a USB stick.
posted by Gold Prognosticus Mar 20 2014 19:16 GMT
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When plugged into a computer and launched, the game uses the computer's MAC address to procedurally generate an environment unique to that particular computer. It then connects to a central server to download changes to that environment made by other users who have played the game on that computer, as well as uploading any changes you make so that future visitors would be able to find them - kinda like PMOG/The Nethernet but across physical systems rather than websites.

Internet cafes and public computers would become collaborative world-building projects, all without ever having to read or store files on computers you do not own/have write-access to. Players could go on quests across multiple computers in multiple locations to collect items or complete objectives. Finding items or creations in hard-to-reach worlds would become more of an achievement.

This has been a rambling game idea, brought to you by Gold Prognosticus.
Fallen Shade
yeah that
Digibutter Nuzlocke Deathmatch Of Purity
posted by Super-Claus Mar 06 2014 04:26 GMT
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The name of the game:

Fire Red / Leaf Green


Digibutter Nuzlocke 2014 Rules

-No glitches or sequence breaking allowed

-Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released
-The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else
If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances
-Have to name all pokemon
-Can skip the first poke on a route if its one you have already and try again, if you get a dupe again your 2nd try you're shit out of luck
-If you blackout and theres still pokemon in the PC you are free to use those
-Catch rules don't start until pokeballs are obtained
-As a mercy rule shiny pokemon are free to catch regardless of the catch rules if you encounter them
-Participators should take screenshots and at a certain part of each day of where they're at and their current team OR record "Previously on Your Adventure" GIFs 
-If all your pokemon are dead you are out of the game.
-You continue to play until there are no other players, at which point you are declared the winner. 
- In the event of a tie (multiple players beat the champion without losing all their pokemon) there will be an online one on one tournament battle between players using their final party, fighting pairs ordered by completion time, to determine who will be the victor.

- All versions are to be emulated in case of a tie scenario.



The screencap/GIF rule is in place to give some form of assurance as to the legitimacy of a participants nuzlocke. An example of a "Previously On Your Adventure" GIF can be seen below:



Lady Gaga Loves Minecraft posted by Kotaku Mar 24 2014 19:30 GMT in Minecraft
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Lady Gaga has a wide range of interests—like being vomited on, for example. She's also a Minecraft fan, judging from her latest music video for G.U.Y—a single off her latest album, Artpop.Read more...
michael jackson was a legend what are you saying
well at least he was when he was still black.
If I had a level-creating competition in betalands, with first prize being a ~$30 game off steam or something, how many peeps would give it a go?
posted by Doopliss Mar 15 2014 21:58 GMT in betalands
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i would do it provided u had starting items but i'm a newb so i'd probz fail :P
posted by Mega-Sandy Mar 28 2014 15:31 GMT
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REVIEW: been a while since i reviewed a game.
posted by Ignorant Mar 26 2014 20:37 GMT in Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
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so, i recently just beat this game. I don't know if any of you have played it, yet alone heard of it, but i'll summarize the game quickly.

basically, the game takes place between kazooie and tooie, when grunty goes gundam and time warps for some

shit reason (something about kidnapping kazooie). the first world is completed entirely without kazooie.


it plays pretty good. quite similar to the n64 games surprisingly, considering this is a 2D game. the controls however can be clunky and shit at times though, and sometimes you'll misjudge jumps. i'll go over this more in art. like i said though, it has good gameplay.


the game looks *crag*ing beautiful for the GBA. like, really good.

but there is a downside to that.

because of its head-on-isometric view it has going for it, misjudging the height of a jump happens a lot. all the way through worlds 1 to 5 (yeah, five.)


the story is generic trash. let's get that over with.

however, the writing is very true to the other games. snarky kazooie spewing insults and naive banjo. need i say more?


the game is good. it's not outstanding or anything but it's worth a play, because in reality it's only at the most 5 hours long if you 100% it. it took me 6 hours because i *crag*ed up a few times with saving and had to do a world over again. twice. also the final boss is unfair as *crag* since the game is so *crag*ing easy in comparison.

also grant kirkhope didn't *crag*ing compose this game


didn't mention Alfred Cock either :(
Active member count
posted by Fortran Mar 25 2014 01:38 GMT in Digital Butterflies
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wow guess nobody's here

Titanfall cheaters pool live on PC now, here's how it works posted by Joystiq Mar 26 2014 23:00 GMT in Titanfall
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Titanfall's anti-cheating system, FairFight, is now active on PC, and it places all cheaters in the same pool to play with each other - and only each other.

As Respawn puts it, "You can play with other banned players in something that will resemble the Wimbledon of aimbot contests. Hopefully the aimbot cheat you paid for really is the best, or these all-cheater matches could be frustrating for you. Good luck."

If you're not banned and invite a banned friend into your party, you'll all end up playing in the all-cheater pool. Respawn promises that playing with cheaters won't raise your risk of getting banned. Only cheating can do that.

If you think you've been unfairly banned, Respawn says to hit up
typical shitpost
posted by Ignorant Mar 14 2014 07:31 GMT
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rip ;-;7
Try The Chalupanator And Other Horrible Fast Food Mash-Ups posted by Kotaku Mar 22 2014 16:00 GMT in Gaming News
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Are you craving a bacon-pregnant burger from Wendy's, or one of Taco Bell's countless variations of the same couple of ingredients? Why not have both? Read more...

GBA Wii U Virtual Console - April line-up screens posted by GoNintendo Mar 26 2014 12:31 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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seems odd to bring these to Wii U and not 3DS, but whatever, works for me

Dark Souls 2 A+ game go buy now unless you'd rather wait for pc version
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 22 2014 02:09 GMT
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overall absurdly solid game, I'd say in many ways surpasses dark souls 1 which is saying a *crag*in lot. Only major gripe is that overall the boss designs are  less creative this time around, and enemy desgins a little bit too, but that said most boss fights are still great mechanic wise. but uh this isn't a formal review so *crag* saying more words, I'll add whatever else I want to say in comments if I feel like it.

Anyone who has any questions about game ask and thou shalt receive.

weedlord bonerhitler
laplace transformations are really cool
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 25 2014 04:20 GMT
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said nobody ever

but can it pay my taxes?
​A Comic That Perfectly Captures The Evil Genius Of Eve Online Players posted by Kotaku Feb 19 2014 22:00 GMT in EVE Online
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One giant, horrifically expensive space ship destroying another, while its crew erupts in gleeful laughter. Yep, that sure looks like EVE Online. Starting today, you can get the first issue of a new comic-book series based on the infamous sci-fi corporate warfare MMO for free.Read more...