11 topics
163 replies

count cannoli

to post
last post... maybe
posted by count cannoli May 16 2010 21:32 GMT
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it's been... odd... the only reason i'm here is to put this up

1. Orangesoda means business: Am I cool yet that i mean business

2.(Mighty)Yena entered chat.
(Mighty)Yena: Um?
(Mighty)Yena: What is this fo?
Dogfish means business: just chating
Elzilcho entered chat.
Elzilcho left chat.

3.titanian means business: wait a fricken second
titanian means business: i recognise YOU too
Happy Goose means business: ?
titanian means business: yena, and orange
Happy Goose means business: I don't even know who you are
titanian means business: one sec
natural cyborg means business has changed their name to balrog means busines


4.Happy Goose means business: >balrog
Happy Goose means business: you
balrog means business: yeah
Happy Goose means business: I still don't remember you ;3
balrog means business: http://digibutter.nerr.biz/
Happy Goose means business: I know
balrog means business: oh
Happy Goose means business: <3
Dogfish means business: I love how the really made that a real website
balrog means business: yesh
Dogfish means business: they*
balrog means business: it wasn't official
Dogfish means business: well yeah...

5.Mad Duck means business ﺕ: Why do you guys like digibutter so much
Happy Goose means business: Bro it was an amazing site until it like died
balrog means business: yeah
balrog means business: one sec
Ezlo  تو- <3 Crit left chat.
Mad Duck means business ﺕ: how
Mad Duck means business ﺕ: how was it amazing
Happy Goose means business: it was fun.
Happy Goose means business: the members
Happy Goose means business: were fun
Happy Goose means business: then it got devided :|
Happy Goose means business: and people got butthurt
RaveRaze entered chat.
Happy Goose means business: and like half of the people left and the only people left were either a) trolls or b) FAGS
Mad Duck means business ﺕ: I hear people talk about it like it was god's gift to mankind
RaveRaze: Yes?
Happy Goose means business: then the site got a new layout and all the features were taken out for it
Happy Goose means business: YeS?
balrog means business: holy *crag* memories
Mad Duck means business ﺕ: why
balrog means business: bad ones

sorry I don't speak chatlogs unless they're color coded
what am i doing here again? and some issues with gmod and tf2.
posted by count cannoli Feb 14 2010 20:36 GMT in Hi-Technical Support
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so i've been playing tf2 for quite some time... for all that time, i've been ticked.  why?  the internet/lan/spectate tabs do jack, even worse is that none of my friends have gmod, so i can't just go to the friends tab to get a server up, i have no other computer and only steam games do this (proven by fortress forever WORKING).  i only use this site if i can't find any other help.

also i see carpaccio subscribed to me (ironic because i'm currently cannoli), but whatever.  if anyone can help me, please do so.


google isn't china's friend

i wonder how many of you guys have this game
posted by count cannoli Nov 17 2009 02:11 GMT in Rabbids Go Home
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/\ and know why the hell i made that... then again, know WHAT that is

shall i be the first to say...
posted by count cannoli Nov 03 2009 01:24 GMT in Starship X-Naut
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the whole x-naut roleplay is dead
a quick three question survey
posted by count cannoli Nov 03 2009 01:14 GMT in The Dump
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WHAT is your name
count cannoli takes off the cape, monocle, hat, and the suit to reveal...
posted by count cannoli Sep 27 2009 03:19 GMT in Starship X-Naut
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oh great... it's balrog...
count cannoli
what an unsurprising surprise, it's like a plot twist that you saw coming, it's like a screamer that was warned in the beginning of the video, it's like gutsman's ass...
screw waiting for crumpy, lets go to the center of the universe already
posted by count cannoli Sep 22 2009 22:17 GMT in Starship X-Naut
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i found a key to an X-naut ship, let's go *revs up mad hat*
the "silver zephyr" shall join you
posted by count cannoli Sep 11 2009 02:39 GMT in Starship X-Naut
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i have a confession
posted by count cannoli Sep 21 2009 22:01 GMT in Off-Topic
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oh, wait... nope, just gas.
holy *crag*, it's the real francine
posted by count cannoli Sep 19 2009 14:55 GMT in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
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i know it has bad quality, but i have to laugh that it looks like a female francis and a butterfly put together in her true form
count cannoli
that's why i bought excellent first.