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Posted by GoNintendo Jun 15 2012 00:57 GMT
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Get More:, The Last Story - Story Trailer, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 15 2012 00:06 GMT
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Would you sacrifice true love for a dream in The Last Story?

Posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2012 18:30 GMT
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#thelaststory A long time ago, the combat in Japanese role-playing games was extraordinarily simple. Classic turn-based RPGs would hit you with a deluge of random and scripted battles. To beat them, you'd select options like "fight" or "magic" from a series of dropdown menus. You'd usually only die if you were under-leveled, in which case the solution was also extraordinarily simple: Go level up. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2012 19:00 GMT
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#randomencounters Unless you're a huge fan of dubstep and Michael Bay movies, you probably weren't too excited after this year's E3 press briefings. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 08 2012 00:21 GMT
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Duck behind cover to assess the battle and give out orders in The Last Story.

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 02 2012 16:31 GMT
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- grab the game at launch to get a 44-page softcover art book
- this will come packaged with the game in a custom outer box
- this is for all first print copies of The Last Story

Posted by Joystiq May 09 2012 20:45 GMT
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There must be a fascinating behind-the-scenes story as to how XSEED managed to get a hold of the localization rights for The Last Story. Ordinarily, Nintendo has a death grip on the rights to its games: If they don't localize it, no one does. XSEED, for their part, say they "got lucky."

The Last Story is the most recent RPG by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, as well as the natural companion to Xenoblade Chronicles, which arrived last month. Both headlined last year's Operation Rainfall petition, along with Pandora's Tower, forever joining them at the hip. Much like Monolith Soft's opus Chronicles, Sakaguchi seems determined to say something new about the genre he once helped create.

Posted by GoNintendo May 04 2012 18:57 GMT
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- real time battle system where players control Zael
- pull enemies using a Gathering ability
- magic users can charge powerful spells
- Zael can also cover and snipe enemies using his bowgun
- go online for cooperative monster hunts or deathmatch mode
- the Empire has been beaten down by never-ending invading forces
- there's one part of the land that has a virtually impenetrable last line of defense
- that place is called Lazulis Island, ruled by Count Arganan
- this island has an army of weapons that magically concentrates beasts into a single region
- Zael was orphaned at a young agew
- Zael and his group are considered low-class, but their talents attract Count Arganan's attention
- if Zael and his group can complete the tests Arganan has put forth, they can obtain knighthood
- during one of these missions, Zael discovers a secret location that grants him the gathering ability

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 27 2012 23:41 GMT
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A portion of an IGN interview with Ken Berry, Director of Publishing for XSEED...

IGN: Can you give us a little insight into how XSEED became the publisher for The Last Story? Was this an opportunity Nintendo presented you with? Was this something you sought out?

Berry: This was something that we sought out from our side. The Last Story had all the qualities we look for when determining a title to pursue based on the quality of the game and its marketability in the North American market, so we asked Nintendo about the possibility and they were receptive to our initial inquiry.

IGN: The Last Story has been complete for well over a year, and it has just arrived in Europe. Will the North American version of the title be exactly the same as the European version? Are you making any localization adjustments or changes?

Berry: The plan is to offer the same consistent product across all territories, so the North American version will essentially be identical to English versions released in other areas.

IGN: The European release of the game saw a limited edition version of the game, with a steel book case, soundtrack and art book. Are you considering doing the same for North America?

Berry: This is something that is still being considered right now. Though nothing is final yet, we hope to be able to announce something fairly soon.
IGN: Do you anticipate a limited run for the game? If demand is present, will you consider manufacturing another run of the game?

Berry: Yes, we do anticipate a limited run for the game as we already have a number in mind of how many units we can expect to sell of this title, and all our pre-production efforts will be geared towards being able to manufacture a final number somewhat close to our initial estimated number. It's too early to start thinking of doing additional runs, but as a general policy we haven't been very active on doing reprints of our other titles so far.

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 13 2012 17:39 GMT
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Coming from Amazon Canada...

Not an official date, but Nintendo did say the title was slated for a Summer release. This is the best we have for now! Thanks to Arian for the heads up!

Posted by GoNintendo Mar 05 2012 19:47 GMT
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A portion of a SPOnG review...

+ Highly enjoyable combat
+ Embraces progression within the genre
+ A good heart

- Some dire voice acting
- Some terrible dialogue
- A bit easy for JRPG fans?

Full review here

Posted by Kotaku Mar 02 2012 14:00 GMT
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#review In 1987, a young director by the name of Hironobu Sakaguchi was charged with making a game for his small game company, Square. Up until this point the company had had moderate success with racing and platforming games, but it was clear to all that Sakaguchi's game was likely to be his—if not the company's—final project. And as he had always wanted to make a fantasy game along the lines of Ultima and Wizardry, he named the game Final Fantasy. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 29 2012 17:20 GMT
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The financial issues currently plaguing one of the United Kingdom's most visible video game retailers are still growing, it seems. GAME, a retail destination that was, at least at one point, the UK's equivalent of GameStop, has been having significant financial issues of late, the kind that are apparently so dire, they have to avoid stocking games they are unable to acquire from publishers at a "favorable" rate. This recently prevented titles like Nintendo's The Last Story and Ubisoft's Vita launch games from appearing on the chain's shelves. Now, it appears, it's all but killed the company's relationship with EA.

The memo in question. Or, at least, the half of it that mentions credit issues.

According to a leaked memo obtained by Eurogamer (which you can see in the attached screenshot), the retailer will not be stocking the publisher's upcoming blockbuster role-playing sequel, Mass Effect 3, and has begun refunding pre-orders. The company has also canceled pre-orders for upcoming EA titles like Tiger Woods 13, FIFA Street 3, and The Sims 3 Showtime.

GAME channel director Tom Devine wrote in the original memo that went out to employees that they had tried to secure favorable credit terms with EA after meeting with publishers last week to explain their current situation. Apparently unable to come to terms with EA, GAME has now put off any notion of selling the publisher's titles in their retail locations.

GAME has since put out an official statement in response to the Eurogamer story, which more or less confirms that Mass Effect 3 won't be coming to GAME due to a "supply issue," and assiduously avoids mentioning that whole "favorable credit," thing.

This inability to negotiate stock for major product, not to mention the recent cut of 46 jobs from the company's headquarters, does not paint a particularly bright picture for GAME and its future. As Giant Bomb user SoyBob mentioned in the thread currently discussing this very subject, maybe don't accept store credit when cancelling your Mass Effect 3 pre-order at GAME. After all, there's no telling how much longer that store credit might be usable, you know?

Posted by Kotaku Feb 28 2012 11:00 GMT
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#thelaststory The Last Story, the latest game from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, made its Western debut last Friday when it was released in PAL territories. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 28 2012 00:30 GMT
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#finalfantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi doesn't worry too much about the future, he said in an interview with Eurogamer published today. He worries about the now. More »

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 27 2012 20:51 GMT
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A portion of an EDGE review...

...for all its inconsistencies, complexities, inadequacies and oddities, The Last Story offers an entrancing and seamless flow of interesting experiences. And surely that, in the final reckoning, is what counts.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Feb 25 2012 01:33 GMT
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Official Amazon preorders for The Last Story are up and running. You can rush over and plop down your cash now, or you could wait for what Xseed might be teasing. Looks like a limited edition isn't out of the question.

Via Xseed's Twitter...

Re: an LE - We're still in the process of planning what we can do for the North American release and nothing has been finalized yet.


Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 24 2012 23:40 GMT
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Don't be surprised if this isn't actually The Last Story's last story.