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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Posted by Lord Crump Jan 28 2011 06:23 GMT
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To begin with, in the cbox, you claimed that "Art is not at all a talented based thing." Why do you believe this, Popple?

Making a quality composition is not talent based at all.It is something learned.
Art is subjective.



Posted by Lord Crump Jan 28 2011 06:57 GMT in Feedback
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Attempted to change board settings to "private" and allow Popple and me to be the only ones to visit it (And once we were through with our discussion, I planned on making it public again), but for some reason, after making it private, I can no longer go to the board management page (Getting an "Unable to complete request" error).

Do you have any idea what's going on?

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 06 2011 04:51 GMT in Big Beautiful Women
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This topic is for all chubby-chasers to discuss how beautiful big can be, and how big is better (To an extent; as always, there's a difference between "fat" and "really *crag*ing fat"). Plump Princess is one of the most *crag*ing adorable internet models ever. She looks like a sweet, huggable pillow. :3


In addition, one of my favorites is Pear Chan, also known as beccabae. Her pear-shaped body and cute face truly justify her popularity among the BBW-admirer community.

If you have any pics of curvy cuties to share, please do; this is definitely the place to do so. ;)


don't forget, it's from japan!

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 06 2011 22:00 GMT in Big Beautiful Women
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I get all of my stuff from plumpprincess.com, bbw-chan.net, and 4chan; if anyone knows any sites featuring chubby cuties, post away


Supar BigBabes is pretty good from what I've heard.

From what you've "heard."

Posted by Lord Crump Dec 23 2010 23:15 GMT in The Socialist Revolution
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We're going to take back the means of production for the workers! Who's with me?


Posted by Lord Crump Nov 16 2010 00:59 GMT in Music
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it's probably b-sides/p-sides/beach-sides/whatever the *crag* they're gonna call it.
I still want a B-sides, but sure.
This will work.

Posted by Lord Crump Nov 11 2010 02:22 GMT
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If you're in to science-fiction, science, philosophy, psychology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, cyberpunk, or anything like that, you'd probably like this comic; it's smart, it's funny, and it just all-around works.



are you insinuating that MSPA is unintelligent
weedlord bonerhitler

Posted by Lord Crump Nov 06 2010 15:57 GMT in Red Dead Redemption--Undead Nightmare
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Need I say more? Get this, now.

I still don't have RDR, I'm thinking I should wait for an "ultimate edition" with all the DLC like they did GTAIV... though it did take them a very long time to do that.
I never got into RDR's main story, this looks absolutely *crag*ing fantastic though.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 29 2010 16:57 GMT
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By all means, PLAY these games, but don't PAY for them. It is unethical to purchase games that are over ten years old because it encourages video game companies to continue attempting to profit off of titles that should be public domain by now. This is bad for the market because it encourages rehashing old content instead of encouraging the developers to develop NEW content.

I do plan on buying a few games off the market on 3DS MAINLY because of the fact that many of the games on 3DS virtual console are being re-made in 3D. It would be nice to have DKC2 GBA remade in 3D.
Tails Doll
Crump, when I post a picture of somebody who is completley pathetic inserting pictures of Krystal into their lives, you are supposed to stop talking.

Posted by Lord Crump Oct 02 2010 13:57 GMT in Movies
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I guess it's actually supposed to be better than its trailer, and its trailer is *crag*ing fantastic.


this movie actually looks pretty good

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 29 2010 17:06 GMT in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
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Castlevania + Patrick Stewart? I would be a FOOL not to get this!


Posted by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 14:26 GMT in Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure
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With a fancy party banner and gimmicky stuff like text filters and fancy party avatars and all of that good stuff

well it is francis after all. I suppose we owe him that much.
Lord Crump
I'd assume he'd be a little bit of both

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:15 GMT
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You know, maybe Justin Bieber really was a good musician who was unfortunately born in a universe 800% too fast for him

>Justin bieber
Stoppped reading right there. Crump you can go *crag* yourself.
I'm listening to it while doing some homework lol.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 23 2010 12:40 GMT
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'Bout a year late for birthday wishes, mah boi.

Fallen Shade
Francis has a bunch of events that go off on certain dates based on month and day not year. Which is why we got the pirate bullshit last week without Francis actually being here. I'm sure it'll do it any other site format changing event we've had last year until Francis decides to change it to something else.
I don't know i just think it's weird they started in 1889
i always think industrial revolution shit when i see that year i don't think nintendo

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 21 2010 00:13 GMT in Metroid: Other M
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Metroid: Other M is by no means a perfect game; first and foremost, the game's plot is mediocre, largely due to the fact that Samus's characterization is, for lack of a better word, shit. I'm alright with the bad voice acting--after playing so many Japanese video games, I'm used to that kind of shit--but I'm not alright with the way Samus acts here and there. For example, toward the end of the game, you'll confront Ridley, who, for no reason whatsoever, causes Samus to freeze in her place and have a complete nervous breakdown. This is, like, what, the seventh (Or is it eighth?) game in the series chronologically; she should be used to kicking Ridley's ass already. In addition to this, a good portion of Samus's dialogue is shitty; it's just so cliche and melodramatic. Fortunately, some of the subplots prove to be pretty interesting later in the game; Ridley's metamorphosis, for example, caught me completely off-guard, and the whole MB storyline was very interesting. Ultimately, I'd argue that the game's plot is composed of good ideas that are presented in shitty ways; great story, bad, bad story-telling.


But yeah, enough about the story-telling. Metroid has never been about story-telling, and honestly, I don't believe this game is about story-telling, either. The game is ten hours long, and less than two of those hours consist of cutscenes or dialogue. The rest consists of good, old-fashioned alien-shooting fun, and that's what I bought it for. First off, the controls are... different, but movement with a D-pad shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes to get used to (And even less for anyone who remembers the good old days where early 3D games used directional pads, as well, for movement). The structure is similar to Metroid Fusion; it's more linear than other Metroid games, true, but that didn't stop me from completing the game with a mere 40% (I'm ready to go back and find all those missed pick-ups). My only real complaint regarding the gameplay is the somewhat clunky transition from third-person to first-person perspective, but aside from that, the game is an all-around fun experience. It's one of those games that you want to rent before buying, though; while it isn't a BAD game in terms of objective quality, it may not provide enough fun to warrant a purchase.


So, in summary, this game has a mediocre plot but fun, fresh and exciting gameplay. It definitely earned that little red mushroom.

Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
spoilers in a review
meh, I liked it enough to call it a decent game, which is MUCH more than i can say for alot of "games"(if you can even CALL them that) that have come out recently.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 21 2010 01:36 GMT
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Unless something is done to rejuvenate this place, I'd give it about five more months


until the day i die

whenever the penis everyone gets bored of it


it's dead now, but the nerves are still active.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 18 2010 02:10 GMT in The Dump
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It's burger time

Tails Doll

Horkus will eat those burgers.

Tails Doll

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 19 2010 18:40 GMT in SPACE PIRATE BATTLESHIP
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Tails Doll
War's over, I won.
Fallen Shade

A young pirate got it bad cause I'm down,
Loadin' DVDs like a mother*crag*in' fiend,
Bring my camera to the movies and I put em on BT,
Back all that stolen content up on DVD-ROMs,
'Cuz my tip's been piracy since I dropped out my Mom's,
And just because I share my MP3s,
They got the government comin' after me,
Instead of suin' kids why don't you step on up,
And release a couple albums that don't completely suck,
Stop puttin DRM onto audio CDs,
That don't make it any harder to steal your MP3s,
If I want your shit for free, I ain't gonna have to pay,
And all your bullshit is why the *crag* I say,
Hack the Gibson, hack the Gibson,
I'm seedin' BitTorrents like a digital pimp, son.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 19 2010 18:13 GMT in SPACE PIRATE BATTLESHIP
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who put the pic up

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 19 2010 17:31 GMT in SPACE PIRATE BATTLESHIP
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arrrr ye be thinking to small lad, think more omega-y

Lord Crump
Arrr but two be better than one so we use both!

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 19 2010 13:58 GMT in SPACE PIRATE BATTLESHIP
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Join the crew, or else you'll be forced to walk the plank! The SPACE plank, that is!

good thing like mario i can breath in a vacuum.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 02:30 GMT in America's Got Talent
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Is the little girl still in?
If so, she's probably going to win. Prince Poppycock is a little too interesting.
Oh, definitely, there's always one or two.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 21:53 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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Okay, so it opens up with this knight guy, named Alfred (Or something, I really haven't thought his name through), and he's the captain of the Hyrule Guard (Which is like this elite police force/task group composed of the King's finest warriors) leading a group of knights to the outskirts of Hyrule's countryside; they come across a goron, and they question the goron to see if he knows what they're looking for. Alfred is essentially searching for this corrupt priest named Agahnim; he was essentially the King's court holy man, but conspired against the king by trying to poison him, and when he failed, he fled from Hyrule.


So the goron dude tells Alfred that he saw weird cultist activity down the road in this small, abandoned town; the knights search the town and find Agahnim performing some sort of black magic ritual by draining the blood of freshly killed villagers and siphoning it in to this sort of magic vortex. Alfred and crew are like "what the hell is going on here," and then Agahnim simply says, with wicked glee--despite knowing that he is going to be captured, put on trial and executed--"He's returning. The Great One is finally returning."


And then it cuts to this other little village on the outskirts of a forest; there's this ranch where a young mute boy named Link lives. He's living a happy life despite the fact that for some strange reason he was born without the ability to form words (And this is a plot point explained a little later). He lives a happy life with his best friend Malon until a group of mauraders--which turn out to be the barbaric hordes sent by the ruthless Moblin King--ransack the town and kidnap Malon. Link, being the courageous young hero (Idiot) that he is, grabs his father's old rusty sword and shield and sets off after the moblins.


It turns out later that the Moblin King actually is in cahoots with Agahnim, but Link doesn't know this yet. Meanwhile, this Middle-Eastern looking man with bright red hair is leading a group of Gerudo refugees across the Great Desert/Hyrule border; you see, the land of the Gerudos is very poor and many want to come to Hyrule, which is the land of opportunity. The thing is, though, the leader of this operation is also a knight of Hyrule himself... but he also holds motives aside from gauranteeing safe passage to immigrants and serving the king.


Meanwhile, the daughter of the King, Princess Zelda, has special mystic powers; she can reveal the true motives behind anyone she talks to. Some say it's magic or psychic powers, but nobody knows what it really is. Alfred and the middle-eastern man (Who we'll call Gamond) escort Princess Zelda to Agahnim's prison cell and Zelda tries to get Agahnim to reveal his true motives. Aganhim then tells the group the story of Ganondorf, a man from the vast desert who held a remarkable power: the Tri-Force of Power. Ganondorf was destined to do great things, as the Hero of Power, but instead, was filled with rage and hate, due to the fact that his people were oppressed for so many ages. Thus, Ganondorf would seek out the full Tri-Force of the Gods to gain the power of the Gods for himself, and re-create the world the way he wanted to... at the cost of the lives of everyone.


I'll continue later, but it's interesting so far, is it not

cool fanfic
gwonam and king harkinian should be in actual zelda games
as in the not cd-i ones

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 17:14 GMT in America's Got Talent
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chibis =/= skill

"Crump why are you an idiot like 24/7 now."

To balance out your genius, of course.

Also I love you guys.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 22:07 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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I mean, it's so good, it puts Super Mario Bros. 3, Ocarina of Time, Half-Life 2, Final Fantasy VII, and Halo to shame. Skyward Sword is this game where you play as this guy who wears green, and his name is Link. He's badass 'cause he's got this sword and it's all motion-controlled n' shit. The swordplay is so badass it will have you creaming your pants and crying Niagara Falls.


Also he has this little beetle thing that you can send flying places n' shit. Best little beetle thing ever.


I give this game an 11/10. Game of the year of all years.



Fallen Shade
Even though this is some twisted Twilight Princess and Windwaker hybrid I still proudly enjoy this game like the daft uneducated fanboy I am

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 10 2010 22:45 GMT in The Dump
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Fallen Shade

Lord Crump
I don't know whether to laugh or cry; well, at least this will cleanse my mind of that

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 09 2010 01:21 GMT in Music
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