In this version of Franis 2, all of the optional content is, more or less, finished. There are a total of 3 optional summons (With a mandatory one coming in a later version), and a total of 6 optional party members which added to the mandatory party members makes a grand total of 8 party members. Here are all of the party members and summons, and hints as to how to obtain them.
Flavio: Flavio will join you during the main quest. Through the mighty power of Flurrie's melons, he can prove to be a deadly ally.
Kooper: Franis's trusty canine companion will join you during the main quest. He can charge at enemies for massive damage.
supermsn: An ice cream shitting anthropomorphic taco. In this game, he prefers COLD environments...
Jr. Troopa: Jr. Troopa will toss deadly turtle shells at his enemies. He will join you if you find his hidden Playground; that is, if you can defeat the assassins who are tracking him down...
darkz: darkz will join you on your quest if you can help him out with a big, hungry, and most importantly HEAVY problem.
MeowMixer: This strange individual will join your quest without question. That is, if you can FIND him...
Yellow: Yellow is quite possibly the most formidable ally any adventurer could hope for. However, franis will have to search the STARS and beyond to find him...
Popple: A sleezy thief who will aid your quest if you can help him steal from a notorious gangster...
As for the summons:
Celeste Dimentia: A healing spell (Since I didn't get the sprites from you, CD, I just used Dimentio to represent you).
Magnus von Grapple: A powerful X-Naut machine that fires a barrage of projectiles at enemy units.
Tails Doll: A cosmic horror of untold power. However, you will definitely EARN his power... (And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him)
Also, the file size is kinda large for a Game Maker game, so grab a soda or something while it downloads.
On the second page. And it's on our beloved site too!
When I type in Shaughtzer almost every single image is from the Adult Swim boards. And I only posted like 5 of them.