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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Posted by Lord Crump Sep 09 2010 00:39 GMT
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Tails Doll

On the second page. And it's on our beloved site too!


When I type in Shaughtzer almost every single image is from the Adult Swim boards. And I only posted like 5 of them.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 08 2010 03:35 GMT in America's Got Talent
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That was outrageous
Truly, truly outrageous
Tails Doll
If he started being a genocidal misanthrope he'd be even better.

Posted by Lord Crump Sep 05 2010 01:10 GMT in Metroid: Other M
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This game is fan-*crag*ing-tastic, you should all buy it. Even though it's a prequel to Fusion, it's also a spiritual successor to Fusion; it is, like, an evolution of the classic 2D formula, only more action-packed.

It *crag*ing sucks.

I liked prime mostly for theexploration and interaction , prime 2 was probably my favorite because of the weapons and story, and prime 3 had the best music, so for me it goes as follows :2,3,1

oh yeah and hunters was actually a good game, but i dont consider it a main prime game.

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 30 2010 02:07 GMT
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I don't care what you say. Spore was a great game. Was it a disappointment of Molyneuxian proportions? Well, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that it still provided hours of fun.

Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
was it ever a bad game?
The best part of Spore is that it is actually intelligent design.

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 29 2010 02:00 GMT in The Dump
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If you absolutely had to die, with no other option or way out at all, how would you go about doing it in the most awesome way possible?

Choking on an immortality potion, just for the irony
Fallen Shade
Actually I'm changing mine to what Flav just posted

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 25 2010 12:36 GMT in America's Got Talent
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for some reason he reminds me of kefka
Lord Crump
It's a really *crag*ing awesome name

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 21 2010 05:06 GMT in Super Smash Bros.
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Why are you posting these
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with them
But why

Pikachu should be the only one smiling. Tiers and all.

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 21 2010 04:41 GMT in Final Fantasy VI Advance
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Tails Doll

Well I saw a Mag Roader in that commercial.

And a Necromancer.

And Doomgaze

jesus thats more than I payed for Pearl

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 20 2010 03:57 GMT
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choose wisely

I think finishing a game takes precedence over replaying games
Also you can transfer endings from Dragon Age to Dragon Age 2 so...

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 16 2010 01:18 GMT in Digiface
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Example: is finally moved in to his college dorm and is ready for some EDUMUCATION


What a ninja chameleon.

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 16 2010 00:46 GMT
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Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
everyone because everyone knows that david hasselhoff is COOL
Lord Crump
so far, so good

Gentlemen... BEHOLD!


Embark on an epic quest of epicness as you take control of franis as he hikes the Appalachian Trail! There will be laughs, and there will be tears! Oh, and did I mention? There will be BEARS!!!111!!!1!1!!!ONE

Controls: Arrow keys move franis, press "space" for franis to face the same direction as he moves (And "space" again to unlock the direction he is facing), and "S" to shoot

Main Version:


No Sound Version:


>856 MB
Lord Crump
I would've thought the spooky music and scenery would have been a warning of things to come
plus, GM isn't programming; there's some optional scripting involved (lol scripting != programming), but I didn't bother with that (Just used the drag n' drop interface)

Posted by Lord Crump Aug 03 2010 02:34 GMT in Movies
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Internet 'Splorer cannot display the webpage.
Wouldn't it be awesome if half way through it just turned into Boo Boo Runs Wild?
Movie of the year.

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 27 2010 08:02 GMT in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
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...but do YOU have it?

If I was Korean, I'd have four copies by now.
Tails Doll
he's still a fag

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 26 2010 05:07 GMT in The Dump
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The film would revolve around the BP oil spill and Aquaman's efforts to track down and kill the villainous corporate ghouls responsible for the mess

In addition, they'd need to get Sylvester Stallone to play Aquaman; there would be plenty of machine guns and explosions and we'd get to hear Stallone say "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE SEA? WELL THINK AGAIN"

Tails Doll
it would still suck because there would be no black mantis
Tails Doll
Black manta would work as an assassin. You've seen the DC cartoons, haven't you?

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 24 2010 02:19 GMT in The Dump
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Vote for Governor Goron Mask

Fallen Shade
I approve

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 23 2010 22:46 GMT in Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure
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User-suggested changes from the last version: "Move Lock" feature (Press space and you don't change firing direction when you shoot), load button on the start screen


If you have any small or minor suggestions that you want me to consider, this is your last chance to do so. Nothing too big, though (Like a boss or something), because I'm almost done.

Tails Doll
The teleports in Brem's shop are just annoying. make them fixed
Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
franis 3 should have me playable
Posted by Lord Crump Jul 21 2010 19:20 GMT in Movies
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already did
it was like the matrix mixed with Einstein's theory of relativity

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 19 2010 20:30 GMT in Red Dead Redemption
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Red Dead Redemption is THE Western-themed video game. While many Western-themed games have come before it, RDR offers the most complete and satisfying take on the theme, making you feel as if you're truly there, in the dying days of the Old West.

The gameplay is top-notch; it never grows old riding off in to the wild to find an animal of some sort to kill and skin, or to search for gang hide-outs and shoot up the bad guys who dwell within. Indeed, the game world is massive and is full of activity; the amount of side content and the rewarding nature of exploring the game's world will not leave you disappointed.

The game succeeds thematically, as well; each portion of the game's world is like a different Western genre, with New Austin representing the classic Old West, Nuevo Paraiso representing the darker spaghetti Western, and West Elizabeth representing a more modern take on the Western, symbolizing the death of the Old West and the birth of the modern age. And that's without mentioning the beautiful plot and excellent character development present throughout the game; John Marston isn't your typical "badass outlaw," but rather, a character that you will grow to empathize with and deeply admire throughout the course of the game.

Some would call Red Dead Redemption "GTA: Old West Edition." Well, I call it GTA perfected. Red Dead Redemption is one of those games that you have to play if you consider yourself even somewhat of a gamer.

Yeah, it does look pretty good.
Jack Noir
GOTY 2010 all years

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 19 2010 20:13 GMT in The Dump
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Lord Crump
The wonders of deviant art never cease to amaze me

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 19 2010 07:09 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
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Fallen Shade

*crag*ing ryan reynolds

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 17 2010 04:40 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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...but this game looks pretty damn fun. I mean, it looks like what WoW should've been.

Lemme set things straight: I highly disliked the first Guild Wars. Mainly because the PvE content felt gimped to me; as if the game only cared about PvP content (I LOATHE PvP in RPGs, MMO or not; to me, an RPG is about just that: role-playing. Going off on an epic adventure and exploring and questing and experiencing an interesting narrative and other shit like that; not just "HEY GUYS LET'S BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA EACHOTHER"). Well, Guild Wars 2--with its persistent world, racial variety, and (Supposedly) an actual crafting system--looks like it's going to remedy that problem.

The best thing about it is that despite all of the changes it's going to be free-to-play like the original, meaning it won't really be competing for my wallet with other big-name MMOs (Right now my "subscription fee choice trinity" is DCUO, SW:TOR, and FFXIV; still can't decide, but it's probably not going to be FFXIV, given my experience with the original game).

The best thing about it is playable Charr.
You are retarded.
I don't give a shit who makes this, but MMO set in the Shenmue universe.
All in favour say PRUNE JEWS

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 13 2010 22:25 GMT in The Dump
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Fallen Shade

That was the most *crag*ed warped awesome shit I've ever seen in my entire years of surfing the internet and it's a good thing I wasn't high while watching that because I'd probably start *crag*ing screaming a scream that'd pierce the heavens and shatter the mother*crag*ing stars yo

Well hey there.

In this version of Franis 2, all of the optional content is, more or less, finished. There are a total of 3 optional summons (With a mandatory one coming in a later version), and a total of 6 optional party members which added to the mandatory party members makes a grand total of 8 party members. Here are all of the party members and summons, and hints as to how to obtain them.

Flavio: Flavio will join you during the main quest. Through the mighty power of Flurrie's melons, he can prove to be a deadly ally.

Kooper: Franis's trusty canine companion will join you during the main quest. He can charge at enemies for massive damage.

supermsn: An ice cream shitting anthropomorphic taco. In this game, he prefers COLD environments...

Jr. Troopa: Jr. Troopa will toss deadly turtle shells at his enemies. He will join you if you find his hidden Playground; that is, if you can defeat the assassins who are tracking him down...

darkz: darkz will join you on your quest if you can help him out with a big, hungry, and most importantly HEAVY problem.

MeowMixer: This strange individual will join your quest without question. That is, if you can FIND him...

Yellow: Yellow is quite possibly the most formidable ally any adventurer could hope for. However, franis will have to search the STARS and beyond to find him...

Popple: A sleezy thief who will aid your quest if you can help him steal from a notorious gangster...

As for the summons:

Celeste Dimentia: A healing spell (Since I didn't get the sprites from you, CD, I just used Dimentio to represent you).

Magnus von Grapple: A powerful X-Naut machine that fires a barrage of projectiles at enemy units.

Tails Doll: A cosmic horror of untold power. However, you will definitely EARN his power... (And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him)

Also, the file size is kinda large for a Game Maker game, so grab a soda or something while it downloads.



"And yes, bobz, I toned up the difficulty on that boss by quite a large margin, so you probably WILL have to have all of the upgrades to beat him"

i take this as a challenge

brb beating him without upgrades


you have to kill the flavio rangers first

you can go through the top of the screen to the bottom, so abuse that to beat them

Posted by Lord Crump Jul 06 2010 15:46 GMT in Lost Odyssey
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Lost Odyssey is a turn-based Japanese Role-playing Game developed by Mistwalker, a company formed by Hironobu Sakaguchi and other former employees of Square. Lost Odyssey may not be the most progressive RPG, but it succeeds as a highly polished, enhanced version of the formula offered up by Final Fantasy X. The only real detriment to the gameplay is the presence of random battles; the combat itself, however, along with the mini-games, sidequests, and optional bosses, is highly polished.

In Lost Odyssey, you follow the story of Kaim, and immortal man who has spent the last thousand years wandering across the world. While the game's central plot isn't the greatest videogame story-telling has to offer, across Kaim's journey, he will unlock "memories;" well-written short stories featuring mature themes and genuine emotion. These short stories tend to be touching and bittersweet, making up for any flaws the main story has to offer.

As for the combat, as mentioned, it is very similar to Final Fantasy X's combat, but with the addition of a timing-based "ring" system, where depending on how you hold the trigger during a normal attack and which ring you currently have equipped, your attack will gain a bonus. Lost Odyssey's traditional battle system isn't necessarily a bad thing, however; it is highly polished, and there is plenty of strategic depth. In addition, there is a ton of optional content for added replay value.

However, where this game stands out most is the music. The game's score is composed by none other than Nobuo Uematsu, and it proves that he hasn't lost his touch. From smooth melodies to engaging battle music, the soundtrack has all of the quality you would expect from a Nobuo Uematsu score.

Ultimately, this is a good game and I suggest giving it a try.

There are plenty of new rooms, but only two new fights. The reason for this is because I spent most of the time trying to get the shop and World Map to work, but I think I got everything working. Since adding in EXP n' shit would make this too complicated for its own good, I decided to make currency and EXP the same thing. Basically, you go to Brem's shop, and you can purchase a number of upgrades with the score you've racked up. Here are the items with the prices:

Sticky (2x damage): 2000 points

Announcement (3x damage): 4000 points

Banhammer (4x damage and not destroyed by projectiles): 6000 points

Double damage (Self explanatory): 8000 points

Safeguard shell (50% chance you'll take damage from projectiles): 4000 points

Invisibility shell (No more instant kill from enemy collision): 8000 points

Party upgrade x2 (Increases the attack of all party members by 1): 5000 points each

Hot Pocket (Restores health; repurchasable): 500 points

As for the new encounters, one of them respawns every time you re-enter the room, so you can point farm and get more items (If you're willing to waste your time doing that, of course). The other encounter is Tails Doll, who is going to be the hardest (Optional) boss in the game when it's finished (In future versions, I plan on his defeat unlocking him as the game's strongest summon, as well). You're probably not going to be able to defeat Tails Doll right now (Unless you somehow obtain all of the upgrades), as he has 1000 health.


Tails Doll
Nice! I do like the shanty from Final Fantasy VI, and I also like how I live in the Forest of Illusion. Keep it up.

nevermind that, it was prolly a glitch or something

ps i beat tails doll with only one upgrade